Part 3 - Finally

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They looked like they were waiting for me, Jack and Boggy. But I walked past as quickly as possible, my shy self taking over.
I heard someone call after me, but I just kept walking.

After school, I walked the usual way home, but was stopped by a figure running up to me, a ball in her hand.

"Hey! Wait!" It was Jack. "It's Bella,right?" she said.

"Yeah." I said, nearly inaudible.

"Saw you have a run in with Dillon earlier." she said, smiling.

"Yeah well he's an idiot he deserved it." I said defensively.

"Don't worry I'm not defending him!" Jack laughed.

I loosened up a bit then, knowing she wasn't against me like literally every one else at that damn school.

"Congrats on winning the match yesterday." I said, actually starting a conversation for once instead of ending it.

"Thanks. I don't want to say it was thanks to Dillon, but it partly was."

"And you and Jamie." I added.

"Jamie? Yes. Me? No." she said, looking disappointed.

"What d'you mean?"

"I could be Hansard's first choice midfielder, but he just puts me in goal."

"Oh, well, maybe he just doesn't want to take the risk. You are through to the quarter finals."

"Yeah, I suppose so." she said, still looking disappointed though.

"Anyway, this is me." she stopped outside her house. "See you later."

I waved goodbye, and I walked to my house, feeling like better friends with Jack than I had ever been with any of Indira's mates.

A week later, I was sat with Indira again in the playground as I saw Jack walking with Boggy and Jamie, bags at their sides, a football under Jamie's eye.

"Looks like Jamie's been un-excluded then." Indira said.

"Obviously." I said, rolling my eyes. But before we could continue the conversation, Dillon shouted from some the top of some steps, "Oi! Johnson!"

We all turned to look at him and Harry. "You did that." He said, gesturing to Harry's injured leg.

"Don't rise to it Jamie." Jack said.

Dillon continued, "Your girlfriend didn't tell you, so I thought I would."

"What?" Jamie said.

"Your girlfriend. Bella." Dillon mocked.

"What d'you mean girlfriend? We're not even friends." Jamie said, unaware I was even there.

For some reason, this hurt, even though to be honest, he was right, we weren't friends. Hurriedly, I picked up my bag and left the scene, Indira calling after me.

"Have you heard the news?" Indira asked, as we walked down to school the next day.

"What news? Let me guess, someone's going out with someone else again?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Basically, Melody Crawford definitely heard Sandra Bellingham talking to her older sister Jennifer, who teaches an assistant year nine, and she got it from Mrs Sevigne who teaches senior French, and she got it from Miss Savage herself, that a famous footballer's son is coming to our school."

I scoffed, "Yeah right."

"It's true!"

"Why would he send his son to our school of all places?" I said, just as we walked up to Jamie, Jack and Boggy. I didn't even realise that they were there, and they'd started a conversation before I could leave.

"Actually, our school is one of the higher performing comprehensives in the area. I'm guessing you're talking about the footballer's son."

"Yeah," Indira said. "He's definitely coming here. I have very reliable sources."

I was thankful when the bell rang, and I was able to sink back into the shadows.

After school, there was no match, no clubs, so I was planning on heading straight home, but something ruined my plans. Jamie. I was walking down the corridor, when I heard a noise from the boy's toilets. More precisely, Dillon's voice. Leaning against the wall, straining my ears to hear his manipulative voice through the silence.

"So you've seen the actual match report from the actual Hawkstone records?" he said.

"Whatever that is, I'm not interested." Jamie's voice said from inside.

"Foxborough's wonder kid Hilary Hansad was injured today in a shock tackle from Hawkstone's centre forward Mike Johnson." Dillon sounded as if he was reading from something, maybe the match report he had been talking about.

"My granddad could have been a pro, but Mike ended his career." Harry's voice said.

"Yeah, and this proves it." Dillon said.

Hurriedly, someone ran out of the room, pushing past me.

"Jamie!" I yelled as he ran off into the distance. And for some reason, I ran after him.

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