Part 39 - The Argument

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Jamie's POV

I don't really know why I followed Jethro, maybe I was following Bella more. But nevertheless, I followed. I don't think either of them realised. I hoped they didn't realise.

I got to a corner, then stopped short when I saw Bella and Jethro talking. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but at one point, Jethro grabbed Bella's hand in his, and I strained my ears further to listen, but no sound from their conversation reached my ears.

Then, my eyes widened as he leaned in and kissed her. I couldn't watch for a millisecond longer, and darted back behind the wall.

Bella's POV

"What the hell are you doing?!" I exclaimed, pulling back from Jethro, shocked at his actions, but he looked unfazed. An overwhelming sensation of déjà vu came over me; this exact same thing had happened before, except that time Jethro was trying to make his ex-girlfriend jealous. This time, it he meant it. 

"C'mon, Bella. We both know we like each other." He said confidently, a smile still plastered across his face.

"Um, no! You might, but I most certainly don't!" I yelled, and noticed people staring so I lowered my voice. "I'm going home." I said, walking out the door, not caring about the rest of the game.


I was sat on the steps at school with Jack the next day before lessons started. She was talking to me, but I was just staring straight ahead, hearing what she was saying but not comprehending it. I couldn't stop thinking about Jethro. Thank goodness Jamie hadn't seen, otherwise I would have a lot of explaining to do.

"So, you coming?" I eventually heard Jack say, and I looked up.

"Sorry, where?" I said, rubbing my eyes, tired from getting no sleep the night before.

"The Phoenix Fun day, on Saturday? Bella you're miles away." She said, sitting down next to me.

"Yeah, sorry. Of course I'll come to the Fun day." I said, forcing a smile.

"Sweet. See you there." She said. "Oh hey there's Jamie." She said, and I followed her gaze towards Jamie, walking through the gates sulkily, and I ran up to him.

"Hey Jamie!" I said, but he walked straight past me. "Jamie! Can I have a word?"

He turned around, his gaze cold and his tone was monotonous. "What word would you like? Goodbye?" He said, continuing to walk forward, me following.

I tilted my head to the side. "How original. Seem to remember me using that line on you a while ago. So what have I done exactly?"

He spun around as fast as lightning. "What have you done?! Think I wouldn't care if I saw you kissing Jethro in the middle of a football match."

I opened my mouth but no words came out. Noticing that a small crowd had gathered, watching us, Jamie lowered his voice when he spoke to me.

"Listen, I know you probably thought I wouldn't mind, but kissing him?! Do you really like him that much?!" He hissed.

I didn't really know if I should be mad or just laugh that he thought I would kiss Jethro.

"Wait, were you following me?" I asked, suddenly realizing that the only way he could have seen us was if he'd been there.

"Duh, but I'm glad I did seeing as you were obviously never gonna tell me you and Jethro are going out now!!!" He yelled, loud enough for anyone watching to hear, and sure enough some of the people were whispering amongst themselves, their eyes still fixed on me and Jamie.

I leaned in closer to Jamie and lowered my voice so no one else could hear. "Jamie, listen. I pulled away. Jethro tried to kiss me, and I stopped it."

He looked at me, surprise and relief showing over his face. "Really?!"

"Of course. You don't really think I'd go out with Jethro Stevenson again, did you?"

"Well, I mean, you're always laughing and stuff with him."

"Jamie, we have a lot of history. And you obviously haven't seen the times we were yelling at each other across the playground have you?" I laughed. "Jethro is just good fun sometimes. But very occasionally. And I suppose the only reason I went to the match with him is one else asked me." I said nervously.

He shifted awkwardly. "Ok, well to make it up to you, do you wanna go to the Phoenix Fun Day with me?"

"Sure, why not?" I smiled.

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