Part 47 - Fresh Start

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Bella's POV

Phoenix had a game the next day, but I didn't want to go. Literally everyone would have seen the post. Jamie's post. I couldn't believe he'd been so mad that he exposed me all over social media. Then again, when I saw that repost I didn't give him a chance to explain after I ran out.

"Bella, you can't stay in here all day, c'mon." Indira said,

"Says who?" I said, not taking my eyes off my phone.

"Says me. Look, in a few weeks everyone will forget about it. Trust me." She said, and I didn't reply.

But then I saw a new post on Instagram from the Phoenix account, saying they were all meeting at the Common. My intrigue was more than my apprehension, so I went into Indira's room, and grabbed a load of her clothes.

I went into the bathroom to try on some of the clothes, but then got distracted when I was brushing my hair. I grabbed the scissors from the bathroom cabinet and closed my eyes, which I then realised probably wasn't a good idea. I watched as my hair fell to the floor and once I'd started I knew I couldn't stop. I kept going until me hair was cut into a bob just below my shoulders. Then I couldn't recognise myself and just stared at myself in the mirror for ages, before curling my hair, running my hands through the curls every so often.

Looking at my watch, I realised the time and pulled on the clothes I'd picked out which included Indira's knee high boots which I found out were impossible to walk in. But I persevered and sneaked downstairs without my mum or Indira seeing me; they could have the shock of my new haircut when I got back.

Now, I had to show everyone I was doing just fine on my own.


In the evening, I walked down to the Common and saw everyone gathered around a campfire on the outskirts of the pitch. I decided not to make a big entrance or anything, so just casually walked up to them.

"What's going on?" I said, taking a seat next to Jack, who gaped at me. "What?" I asked, but really I knew.

No one said anything, but I noticed Dillon and some of the others exchanging glances with each other.

"So, what are we doing?" I asked again.

"We were just talking." Jethro replied.

"About what?"

"About you." He replied. "By the way, your boyfriend wants to apologize."

All heads turned to Jamie whom I hadn't even realized was there. "Yeah. Sorry." He said quietly, but I was over it. I didn't care that he'd released my whole back story online. Well maybe I did, but I wasn't going to let that ruin my day.

"It's fine. I couldn't care less." I said dismissively.

"Never knew you were such a rebel Bella; I'm scared." Dillon said smirking, and Indira hit him in the arm which shut him up.

I smiled but it was forced. "So why are you all here? What's this whole sitting around a campfire thing about?"

"Just for fun." Jack replied.

"So we can talk about you." Dillon said and Indira rolled her eyes.

Jethro had gone uncharacteristically quiet, and I saw something like guilt cross his face for a fraction of a second.

"Look," I said, standing up. "Yes, I smashed up Jethro's dad's car cos his mate dared him to break up with me. Yes, I promised to pay it back which has involved me having to get a job which I'm still searching for. And yes, I regret it. But can we just forget about it? Please?" I said, sitting back down and crossing my arms.

Dillon raised his eyebrows. "Anything else?"

"No that's it." I replied quickly. "Can we forget about it now?"

They all seemed to exchange more glances before Jamie nodded. It was ironic, really. When he was the one who'd shared the post. Jethro was the first to speak.

"Ok, let's play a game."

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