Part 59 - The Trials

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"Bella! C'mon, get up. Don't you have trials today or something?" I woke to Indira's voice and heard her go around my room, opening the curtains to get me to wake up. Eventually, I rubbed my eyes and turned off my alarm which must have been ringing for a while now.

"Screw the trials." I said tiredly, burying my face in my pillow, but Indira just threw my duvet on the floor in another attempt to get me up.

"What kind of attitude is that from a future captain?"

"Jamie's the captain."

"Not for much longer from what I've heard from Dillon." She smirked, her history with Jamie obviously fueling her dislike.

"And what exactly have you heard?" I asked skeptically, finally forcing myself to get up and start packing my bag for training.

"Just that the new coach absolutely hates Jamie and says, and I quote, "he's not captain material"." she smirked.

"And you're gonna believe that from Dillon? Since when have you two even been speaking again?" I asked, mostly wondering where Dillon heard all this stuff from Molly. Maybe it was his sucking up that meant she told him all the gossip between the coaches.

"Never mind that. Point is, go to the trials, and you could be captain by the end of the day."


When I got to Goodfield Park, Jamie and Zoe were waiting at the gates for someone to let them in; neither one of them looked particularly happy to be there that day, probably for the same reason I didn't, but they got there early like me all the same. I looked between them: the captain, the hopeful captain, and me, the maybe captain, if what Indira said was true.

"Hey." Jamie said, his tone bored: he must have been stood there a while.

"Bella, please tell me you agree that these trials are ridiculous." Zoe asked, and I threw my hands up in frustration.

"Thank you! They're so stupid why should we have to compete for our own places." I suddenly glimpsed a girl stood a little way down the path on her phone. "D'you think she's here for the trials?"

"Maybe." Zoe said bluntly.

"Well, should we go and tell her where to go?" I asked.

"What's the point? It'll be less competition for us."


"What?! These are trials! D'you want to be kicked out?" she raised an eyebrow.

I was about to respond, but Sienna, a girl i'd seen the day before who Duncan had introduced as his daughter, appeared at the gate with a set of keys and opened it for us.

"Finally." I heard Jamie mutter before quickly walking off to the changing rooms.

"Rude much?" Sienna called back, but he made no indication he'd heard.

"Ignore him. He's in a mood about the trials." I explained; it felt strange to assume that this was actually what he was mad about; for all I knew it could have been something completely different, but it was probably the fact he was about an inch away from no longer being captain.

"Well, all boys care about is football I guess. I know that better than anyone." She replied with a sad smile. "Hey, can you take these back to my dad? He's probably out on the pitch but you can just put them in his office." She held out her keys and I took them.

"Sure. See you later."

When I got to Duncan's office, I took one step on the stairs but stopped when I heard voices. And they weren't anyone's I knew.

3rd Person POV (a few minutes before)

The girl slid through the gap in the gate, unaware there was anyone following her and looked around a little to see what was her best options. There was a stand and some seating areas, but nothing would ever be left out in the open there. Nothing worth it anyway.

She thought her best option was to go for a building. The sliding doors on what looked like a cafe were locked, so that was a no. The other building looked like an office, but initially she ruled it off; hearing voices from inside the building wasn't exactly a good sign. But as she inched round the corner, she saw someone emerge and quickly concealed herself behind the wall. When he was safely out of view, she crept around and tried the door handle which gently eased open the door. She breathed a sigh of relief, it was much easier like this.

She practically ran up the stairs, taking a risk as there still might have been people up there, but thankfully, there was no one. Fate was on her side today.

Looking around, there were plenty of things she could take, but one thing stood out to her: a cap hung on the wall. She knew it was something valuable due to its place amongst the other trophies and shirts on the wall. But then something stopped her plans.

"Erin!" Her sister hissed, not taking an actual full step into the room but hiding behind the banister, constantly looking round her shoulder.

Erin rolled her eyes, shoving the cap in her bag, no longer caring if her sister saw.

"What the hell are you doing?" She snapped as Erin made her way for the exit, but her sister stopped her. "We're not going anywhere until you put that back. "

"You're going to get me caught, Aimee." Erin replied angrily.

"You're gonna get caught anyway so put back whatever the hell you stole! What even was it?" She asked, the question being pretty much rhetorical as she instantly rummaged inside Erin's bag and pulled out the cap.

"A Northern Ireland cap? Erin do you realize what this is?"

"No. I don't care about football."

"Right, well we're putting it back..." she said, quickly placing it on the hook before a voice made them both swivel around in surprise.

"What are you doing?" A girl, around Aimee's age said, looking at them suspiciously and Aimee wondered what exactly she'd seen.

"Err..." Aimee looked to her sister for help, but once again, Erin's face was blank, expecting Aimee to sort it out. "Well, we're here for the...trials! You guys are having trials today right?" She said quickly, remembering a poster she saw on the way into the park.

"What, both of you?" The girl replied suspiciously; she knew something was up.

"Oh, no. This is my sister. She's...just come to watch."

Erin nodded once, still subdued and glaring at Aimee.

The girl's face seemed to soften. "Well, the trials are on the pitch. You just have to sign in at the changing rooms. I'm Bella, by the way."


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