Part 16 - The Other Boy

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The day of the semis was like torture.
All day the school was buzzing - even the teachers seemed to be anticipating the school's hopeful success. I wanted them to win of course, but I was sad I wouldn't win with them.
But that wasn't what was on my mind. I couldn't stop thinking what Jamie had said to me the day before, about how he wanted us to be 'more than friends'. Why did I run away? I knew what my answer was, and I should have given it to him there and then, instead of giving him nothing.

Jamie's POV
I'd made such a fool of myself in front of Bella the day before, I could hardly make myself come into school on the day of the semis. My mum made me though, calling angrily up the stairs every time I went back to sleep. She was just on edge about my dad though. He'd let me down again. There was no trial for Hawkstone.

When I got to the gates of the school, Jack and Boggy were waiting - no Bella to be seen, unsurprisingly.

"Did you hear about Dillon?" Jack asked with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"No, what's happened?" I asked.

"He's Diabetic."

"What, really?" I said in surprise; this was why Dillon had been acting so strangely.

"Yeah, we don't know if he's going to be able to play today."


"Yeah. Where did you disappear to last night? We were meant to train. I thought you wanted to stay match fit whilst you were suspended."

"I do, I mean I was just..." I trailed off as I spotted Bella walking up some steps next to the quad.

Jack snapped her fingers in front of my eyes to get my attention. "Earth to Jamie?" she said.

"What? Oh sorry."

"Staring at Bella again?" Boggy asked with a side smile, and I turned sharply in surprise. Maybe a bit too quickly, for Boggy raised his eyebrows, waiting for me to admit it.

"If me and Nancy had waited as long as you too to admit our feelings, we would never have got together." Boggy said.

"Feelings?" Jack said, scoffing. "Jamie doesn't like Bella, do you Jamie."

But I was saved by the ringing of the school bell. Again.


Bella's POV

As soon as the day was over, it seemed the whole school was making their way to the football pitch, everyone buzzing with excitement. It was a cold summer evening, and I wrapped my coat further around my body as I took my place in the small stands surrounding the pitch.

The team were already warming up, and I longed more than anything to be out there with them, but I guess watching was the closest I would get for a while, whilst I was suspended.

"Bella, I'm sorry If I embarrassed you before." Jamie said, jumping up and sitting on a brick wall behind the stands. I could hear the game was underway; the sound of the crowd was in the background of our conversation.

I looked up at him as he put his hand out to help me up. Graciously, I took it and sat next to him on the wall."I want to go out with you, Jamie, I do. But I can't." I said, biting my tongue in anticipation for what he would say.

"What do you mean? Why can't you?" he asked, leaning forwards

"Last year, I went out with someone else. He was a footballer, like you."

"And?" Jamie said, confused.

"He basically said that I got in the way of his football, and we broke up. After 2 years."

"Oh, I'm sorry." He said sincerely.

"I really liked him as well." I admitted. "But not anymore; I haven't seen him for ages."

"But I wouldn't prioritise football over you. You would be the priority." Jamie said, but I could hear the nervousness in his voice.

"I don't want you to prioritise me over football! I'm not going to stop you doing something you love because of me." I pressed.

There was a moment's pause before Jamie spoke up again.

"Where is he now, the boy you went out with?"

"Last I heard he was at Hawkstone Academy."

"Maybe Dillon knows him."

"I don't care to be honest."

"I'm guessing you never told anyone, seeing as Indira said you'd never had a boyfriend." Jamie continued.

"Yeah, we just kept it between us. And that's what we'd have to do if we ever got together. Promise?"

"Promise." He replied without hesitation.

There was a couple of minutes of us just staring straight ahead."So does this mean we're together?" He said, hopeful.

I jumped down from the brick wall to face him, a small side smile creeping onto my face. "Fine."


The game was finished. We had lost. The whole team had their heads hung as they walked off the pitch in defeat. Westfield High were celebrating elaborately with their coach across the field.

"We lost." I said simply to Jamie in disbelief.

I glimpsed Dillon across the pitch talking to someone. The boy's blonde hair stood out against his uniform; his face showing the familiar mischievous look.

Without hesitation I marched straight up to him. He needed to leave; he could ruin everything.

"You need to go." I said as sharply as I could, trying to give the impression I was stronger that I looked. He turned to face me, looking down at my determined face; the height difference was so much more significant than before.

"Bella. Never took you for a footballer." He said.

"You never took me for anything. Now get out before..." but it was too late. Jamie came running up to us all.

"Who's this?"

I took a deep breath.

"Jamie. This is the boy I was telling you about." I paused again, watching Jamie's face turn to recognition at what I was saying, and I continued.

"This is Jethro."

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