Part 49 - Thinking

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"This game's stupid. Let's play something else." Dillon said.

"Only cos you haven't had a go yet." Jethro replied, glaring at him.

"Whatever. We've got a match tomorrow I'm thinking about the team." Dillon retorted, playing the 'I'm doing it for the team' card.

"I'm sick of this game too." Jack said, standing up and taking a football from the ground. She walked over to the goalposts and started taking pens. Soon, most of the team joined her, including Dillon and Jethro, until it was only me and Jamie left.

I don't know if he'd been waiting till everyone left to talk to me, or if I was too, but for a while we just stared at each other across the campfire.

"Why did you post about me?" I asked; I didn't know if I was curious, if I wanted to know if he'd admit it, or if I just wanted a conversation starter, but I asked anyway.

"I was just mad that you hadn't told me." He shuffled around the campfire so he was next to me. "I'm sorry. And, I have something to ask you."


"Will you go out with me again?"

I was not expecting that, and raised my eyebrows in shock.

"Jamie, don't you remember what happened last time?" I asked him, and he raised his eyebrows.

"Err, I don't remember."

"Yes you do." I corrected.

"Well, maybe I do, but Jethro has nothing over us now. The secret's out, aren't you relieved?" He laughed.

"Of course I am, but to be honest I'd have rather it remained a secret."


"Because at school tomorrow, no one's going to be talking about anything else. Only the crazy girl who smashed up her ex's car." I said, dreading the next day.

"Who cares? No one'll be talking about it in a few days." Be reassured, but I put my head in my hands, still anxious about it. "Also, remember we've got a game tomorrow so..."

I shook my head as he spoke about tomorrow's game before I'd had enough.

"When was the last time you thought about anything other than football?" I asked, interrupting him.


"Never, is the answer Jamie. And I'm fine with that: football's your life and it always will be. But when you're ready to juggle two things at once, you can call me. And I'll be waiting. Probably." I added at the end with a grin. "Unless I've gone off with Jethro again or something."

"Like he'd take you back." Jamie smiled, accepting that we weren't getting back together.

I laughed and stood up, going to join the others doing pens. Jamie followed.

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