Part 36 - The Pitch

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About a week after I went to see Ruby, I got a text from her on my way to school:


Great. I mean, it was a lot to ask, but I had been really hopeful.

I wandered up to Jack in the morning by the bike shed as she locked up her bike.

"Hey, listen I've got something to tell you-." I started, wondering how I was going to break the news to Jack about the kit, but she already seemed down. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Zoe just told me Jamie couldn't get a match against Foxborough."

"Oh." I said, disappointed. "But why did Zoe tell you?"

"I've got no idea - wish I'd heard it from Jamie honestly."

How could I tell her about the kit now?!

"Anyway, was there something you were gonna say?" She asked, and I shook my head quickly.

"Oh, no. Don't worry about it." I replied, forcing a smile.


"So, I was thinking about more names," Indira said whilst we were eating lunch, and Jamie groaned; Indira had been bombarding us with names all week. "The Goal Diggers. Get it?"

No one looked impressed.

"No. Just no." Jamie replied, shaking his head, before his phone rung and he went to answer it. When he came back, he passed the phone to Jack. "It's Mike."


You could hear Mike's voice on the other end. "Hi Jack. Bad news on the pitch, I'm afraid."

"What? Why?"

"The groundskeeper. He won't hand the pitch over because of...personal reasons. Between me and him. But also because apparently he saw Dillon and Jethro having a fight the other week. Doesn't want to be involved with them."

I sighed. That was that time at Vicar's Common when me and Jack had to break them up as we were walking home.

"So where will we play?" Jack asked, visibly agitated.

"I'm not sure, but if there's one way we might be able to still get Vicar's Common, it's through Mr Hansard."

"Mr Hansard? But why?"

"You'll see, if you can get him as your coach."


"So, you going to the Hawkstone Foxbrorough Derby tonight?" Indira asked as we walked to school the next day.

"What, to watch Dillon and Jamie have a bust up in the middle of a football game? Sure, I'm always up for that." I replied. "But how do you even know about it?"

"Dillon's taking me to a first team match afterwards." she said with a genuine smile

"Oh, I see. Date is it?" I ask curiously, to which Indira smiled and shook her head.

"No." then she tried to change the subject. "Hey why don't you ask Jamie to take you?"

I scoffed. "No way am I gonna ask him. Sure, I wouldn't mind going but I don't want to sound desperate Indie." I said.

As we walked further down the path, we came to the entrance to Vicar's Common, and I heard distant but familiar voices being carried from inside, and I held out my hand to stop Indira.

"Hey. Can you hear that?"

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