I Need A Cigarette

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After what felt like a long journey of listening to Misty singing and Kyle groaning, you finally arrived back at the house.

You snuck in. The only voices you could hear inside the house were Cordelia's and Fiona's. They were having an argument about cancer. At least that's what you thought you heard.

You all snuck into the plant room/basement.

You were helping out by carrying the mud. Everyone thought you were being nice in offering that but really you just didn't want to touch Maddison's body again. It was so rotten and gross.

You smile at Misty as you dump the swamp mud on the table.

She was currently grabbing Maddison's legs whilst Zoe grabbed her arms. Together they were both carrying Maddison onto the table.

Zoe brushed off her hands on her skirt and Misty dig hers into the bucket of mud.

"So we just dump this on her?" Zoe asks.

"Yes! Exactly! You wouldn't believe the healing wonders of Louisiana Swamp Mud." Misty says with a smile.

You weren't dumb, you knew it was some form of metaphor she'd come up with to control her powers.

You decided to help spread the mud.

But halfway through spreading. Suddenly, Misty asks everyone to stop.

"I'm sorry." Misty apologies, "But I just think she's too far gone."

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"I mean she won't heal properly" Misty says. "Something will be wrong in her head"

"Do it anyways, bring her back" Zoe orders and Misty jumps back.

Zoe had tied Kyle to a pole the moment you all arrived. Surprisingly he had stayed silent for a while, now he yelled in fear of Zoe's raised voice.

"Alright fine. It's your curse not mine" Misty says before muttering some kind of incantation.

You all stood in silence (beside Misty muttering) , watching Maddison's body.

It was strange that before you realised you were a witch, the world always seemed so scary. The way that people were killed every day at the dumbest things.

Now you were looking at a girl who was being brought back from the dead and you felt like you'd seen it all. There must be nothing more to be afraid of.

It was the kind of feeling that made you feel dull on the inside.

Without a warning, Maddison rockets up from her peaceful sleeping position as if she woke from a horrifying nightmare.

"I need a cigarette" She says. Her voice dry and croaky.

Without warning you rush over to hug her. Even though she was usually a bitch, you had missed her having her around and you even missed hearing her sarcastic comments to literally everything.

"You're cold" You say after hugging her. She hadn't hugged back and her skin was icy cold so that phrase worked two ways.

Maddison gave you a stare almost as cold as her skin. It made you flinch slightly.

"Water?" Zoe offered. She wanted to get out of the room to avoid the awkwardness.

"Who is that bitch?" Maddison asks, pointing to Misty.

Misty was adjusting her hat and fiddling with the headphones. She had such a gypsy vibe to her. It was a good one though.

She stared at Maddison before giving her a nervous smile.

"I brought you back"

"Thanks, didn't need your help though" Maddison says, getting up from the table and walking upstairs like she hadn't been dead forever.

She was definitely going to get a cigarette.

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