Chilled Out House

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Your mind pondered over your thoughts about the antichrist that night.

You found it weird that you were sleeping in the same room that he had, you could practically smell the evil stained on the walls and floor.

Maddison had chosen the nice double bed next door, it seemed that ghosts didn't sleep so they didn't mind it when Maddison asked to use it.

The ghosts were pretty chilled with the two of you sleeping in the house and barely disrupted you.

The only time you heard any noise was the wailing of a (dead) child which presumably was unavoidable so you just went back to sleep.

The next day, you found yourself surprisingly sad about leaving the cursed building.

You were leaving a small fragment of your childhood behind.

A childhood that you'd only just discovered.

You sat at the breakfast table eating what Maddison had brought from the corner store since the house was void of anything edible.

Knowing Maddison and her strict model regime, your hungry stomach was greeted by a plate of lettuce.

Maddison smiled at you politely before retreating into the kitchen.


You shut your eyes and visualised a huge McDonalds burger on the plate before you but sadly, when you opened them the plate was still empty.

This place sucked in that way.

You didn't have all of your powers.

You shoved the dry lettuce down your throat before faking a great full smile to Maddison.

She nodded and allowed you to glide through the kitchen and into the front room.

You sat in the armchair, feeling pensive as you stared out at the occasional car that passed by the large window that was the only source of light in the room.

"Someone's grumpy?" Tate's voice echoed from behind you along with Violet's light giggle.

She clung to him as if he were her life source and he just seemed happy that he was paying attention to him once more, it was truly romantic.

"Huh? No. What?" You say, Tate had shocked you a bit.

The happy couple just turned the corner again and disappeared along the corridors of the Murder house.

It was then that you heard a dog's yapping.

It was coming from your feet.

It was an adorable looking Chi-Poo, it tugged lightly at your trousers and you couldn't quite avoid its smiling face.

You picked it up, debating whether it was a ghost or not.

It was most likely that it died here but had never made itself visible since it didn't know how to.

You felt bad for the dog.


It was Vivian.

"The dog's name is Hallie."

You nod at Vivian who was standing in the doorway that you entered through, you weren't completely sure what mood she was in but you didn't want to test her.

"Y/n." She says seriously as she walks towards you, "I've been thinking."

"What have you been thinking about?" You ask, inquiring further into what seemed like her new theory.

"It's about Micheal."

Well no shit. You think.

"I think you have to do something to kill him for real."

"And what is that?"

"Eat his heart."

Can we just agree that the dog is the best murder house character.

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