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The halls of Miss Robichaux Academy for Exceptional Young ladies was much more welcoming than you remembered.

The young girls that now lived here had since made it homely.

Little selfies hung in picture frames on the whitewashed wall along with cute little incantation reminders that had been pinned up to help the girls with exams.

You prided yourself in thinking that you were the most liked teacher, but now, you were just happy to have a home.

Even in all its homeliness, the place was just as silent as the still night that outside.

That was, until you heard the creaking of floorboards above you.

You sigh, releasing the tension that had built up around you.

You were back home.

You were safe.

Even though the dark thoughts kept intruding your train of thought, you ignored them, focusing on the hope that the person on currently on the stairs would be Zoe, Cordelia or even Maddison.

You almost collapsed in relief as you see a familiar yet worn out face walking towards you.

It was Mallory.

"Y/n?" She asks, tilting her head in confusion and taking a single step backwards.

Mallory was wearing a black nightgown and had a wax candle in her hand so that you couldn't exactly see the details of her face.

The candle that she was holding was specified for incantations and summoning spirits, it makes you wonder what she was doing with it.

It wasn't relevant now though.

Mallory removed the candle from around her face and relaxed herself. She knew it was you.

"Mallory!" You exclaim rushing towards her.

You weren't going to lie, Mallory was your favourite student. She always had this inquisitive curiosity towards everything which made her a pleasure to teach.

You liked to think of her as similar to you in personality but actually, she wasn't similar at all. She was better.

Mallory looks confused as you pull her into a tight hug.

She wasn't just your pupil; she was your friend.

When you eventually pulled away from Mallory Swan, she nodded at you reassuringly before peering behind your shoulder.

"Is Misty alright?" She asks.

You whip your head around to see Misty slumped against the wall in a piggledy heap.

She looked dead but you knew that she wasn't due to the slow rise and fall of her chest.


The thought of her sleeping peacefully made you want to join her in the mind numbing slumber she was entranced in.

Your knees bend under your weight, forcing you to almost collapse onto the stone cold floor of the corridor.

Mallory catches you and lowers you to the ground.

"Y/n." Mallory says, she looked genuinely quite worried about you, "You need to sleep."

"I- I know.." You say, giving her the best smile you could muster but even though it was a lot of effort, it was only the slightest lip turn.

Mallory gives you that same smile of reassurance as you diminish into the same deep sleep that you'd seen Misty in a few seconds ago.

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