Excitement and Epiphanies

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Ashton's POV

I'm astounded to hear the confession that comes from Brit's lips. I never in a million years think that Brit, sweet little Brit, would cheat, especially on Luke. I can see the way she looks at him. He is her world and vice versa.

I tried to confront her the best way I could, which wasn't that great. All I could do was tell her empty promises. I kept telling her it would be okay, but in all honesty, I didn't know what would happen.

Luke had been cheated on once before, and it didn't do much for his self esteem. Madison really hurt him. I hate to see him this way again.

He went straight to the bathroom at the hotel and stayed there for at least 8 hours. He tried to drown out his sobs, but the boys and I could hear every sound. It tore my heart out to see my best friend like that and not be able to comfort him. That sounds terribly gay, but what can I say, I'm a sensitive guy.

This feud between Luke and I had lasted long enough.

Today, I was determined to fix it all.


We were all asleep in the hotel room. Luke had seemed to get better, but it seemed to still plague him.

I was barely awake when my phone began to buzz. I groan and roll over to see it's Hannah. I spring up and go to the bathroom careful not to wake the boys. I close the door and answer the FaceTime call.

"Ashton!" Hannah squealed.

"Hannah!" I say with just as much enthusiasm.

"I got your package. I love it. I can't believe you bought this. It had to be extremely expensive. No one's ever spent this much on me," Hannah says smiling.

"Well, anything for the most beautiful girl I've ever met," I say.

"Did you mean it?" she asked.

"Mean what, darling?" I say confused.

"Did you mean it when you said, 'It's a promise that I'm yours for as long as you'll have me. I'm always going to be here for you Hannah. You're my damsel that I'm risking everything to save.'?" she recites.

"Yes, babe. Every word. Hannah, you've shown me that there is still good inside me. That I can still be the guy I was years ago. You've changed me, Hannah Emily Rowland," I say holding back the tears that threatened to spill.

"Ashton, I don't know what to say," she says tears flowing from her eyes.

"You don't have to say anything. Just keep it in mind, okay?" I say smiling.

"I will. Oh! Guess what?" Hannah says excitedly.

"What, honey?" I say laughing at her sudden excitement.

"Brit's coming to visit you guys! She wanted to fix things with Luke, so she's flying to see you guys!" Hannah says.

I sat there stunned. She's coming. I hadn't seen her since I professed my love for her. I could do this. I promised Hannah.

"That's wonderful, sweetie! It's too bad you aren't coming with her," I say pretending to pout.

"I'll see you soon enough! You only have a week left. It'll fly by I promise, and as soon as you get home, I'll be right there at the airport waiting to give you the biggest hug," she said sweetly.

"Just a hug?" I say trying to lift an eyebrow but failing miserably.

She laughs. Gosh, that was beautiful.

"Okay, maybe a kiss, but only if you're a good boy," she says in a fake voice.

"Well, we'll just have to see then. Won't we, princess?" I laugh.

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