Making a Choice

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Britain's POV

I woke up with the faint sight of golden hair. I smiled as I picked up my phone. The first thing I see is a tweet from Luke.

"@Luke5SOS- Amazing night, amazing life. (-----: "

Seeing those few words started my day with a warm feeling. I really hope he's talking about me. He put his arm around me last night. He looked like Kristoff when he was little. He's my Kristoff, my sweet chivalrous Kristoff.

I turn the boys' song, Beside You, on and began to get ready. My party is later, but for now I'm just getting ready to lounge around with the boys. I walk into my closet and find a pair of my sweatpants and a tank top. I pull my hair into a high ponytail. I go the bathroom and brush my teeth. Half way through, I realize it's too quiet in my house. Usually by now, Mikey is up and making as much noise as possible. I quickly finish brushing my teeth and head downstairs. I look in the living room and there's no one there. It's only when I go to the kitchen that I find a stack of pancakes with a single candle in it, already lit. There was a small not sitting next to it. I picked it up and it read..

"Dear baby sis,

Happy 17th birthday. I had to step out, so I could go out and get your present for later. Ash and Cal are both coming by early to help set up. Luke should be at the house. I told him he could sleep in my room. So he should be there. I'll see you later, sis.

Love you.

Michael. xx

Luke has been in my house for who knows how long. I blow out the candle in my pancakes. I begin to eat them. Wow. These are good. I'll have to thank Mikey, but wait, he can't cook. He burns everything he touches. Who cooked these? Immediately the answer came. Luke. He really can cook. I always doubted it when he said he could, but he proved me wrong.

I finish my pancakes and trudge back up the stairs to Michael's room. I slowly open the door preparing myself for the mess that is my brother's room. I open the door to find it cleaner than I ever have. Before I can focus too much on the cleanliness, I look at Mikey's bed to see Luke passed out on it. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. He looks like the golden boy I imagine him to be. I walk over quietly. I bend down and look at him once more before screaming his name.


He jumps awake and almost falls off the bed. He catches himself and looks around frantically eyes finally landing on me. He glares at me and I can't help but laugh. Before long I'm in hysterics. I'm laughing so hard that my eyes are watering. Like just sits on the bad with his arms crossed pouting. Geez, that was cute. Once I stopped laughing, he threw a pillow at my face.

"Shut up! You really scared me!" he said defensively.

" I know! That's why it was so funny. What do you want to do until the guys get back?" I ask him.

" I don't know. Watch a movie? Repeat what happened last night...." he said carefully.

My heart fluttered, "Yeah, that sounds great, actually," I say blushing.

"Okay. Let me go freshen up, and I'll met you downstairs," he said sitting up and stretching. He climbs out of the bed and scuffles off to the bathroom. Meanwhile, I go downstairs and pick a movie. I finally settle on Tangled, my second favorite Disney movie, after Frozen of course. I always loved Repunzel because of her beautiful blonde hair. I was a little jealous actually. My hair was anything but beautiful.

As the movie begins, Luke comes down the stairs. I turn around on the couch and give him the warmest smile I could.

"Come here," I said.

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