Crossed Wires

751 81 16

Luke's POV

"Awe, Ash, those are my favorite sunglasses," Britain sighed from across the pool.

Band practice had just ended, and everyone had decided to take a swim.

Except for me.

I didn't know how much else I could take from Britain before my heart just burst out of my chest. She was so adorable, and t just seemed like she was trying to kill me. From her outfit, belly button ring, and her messy hair, I didn't know if I could make it through band practice alive. She was like a work of art.

"I'll get them!" I quickly said, trying to be a knight in shining armor. Maybe I was just a bit too tall for that role though.

I quickly pulled myself under the water and grabbed the white sunglasses. I hauled my tall frame back up and swam over to Brit.

I nobly handed her the sunglasses and tried to say without my voice cracking, "Here you go, Brit."

She lightly reaches her hand out for the RayBans, and her fingers lightly touch my palm. I feel the surge od electricity course through my whole body. I feel as if she has a different reaction than princess being saved, because she takes in a tight breath.

"Are you okay?" I ask, worrying I upset or hurt her.

"Yeah, of course," she squeaks out. My sigh is full of relief.

"Good," I reply, smiling. Maybe one day she would warm up to me.

"Thanks," she finally said, giving me a quick hug full of her warmth. I wish I could have this everyday.

The rest of the day is the usual. Cal, Mikey, and Ash playing around while I admired Britain from afar. Every so often, she would smile at us and shake her head disapprovingly. It was so cute. She eventually got up and left for bit, just to come back with a book that was worn called The One. She almost was always reading when I saw her, and most of the time it was this book.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the boys retired and Ash drove Cal and me home. Britain was drifting in and out of my mind the whole entire ride.

"Hey! Lover boy! Get your head out of the gutter and answer my question!" I got dragged out of my wonderland by Calum screaming and snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"What?" I shrieked back.

"Do you want to play a gig next week?" Calum asked. This question didn't seem to be as important as her.

"Yeah. Sure. Whatever." I waved him off and put myself back in my daydream.

"Dude, I don't know what's been up with you lately, but forget about this girl. We need to focus on the band and not some girl that you saw at Starbucks or something," Ashton snapped at me, looking through the rearview mirror.

"Like you don't think about Britain?" I started, knowing I'd get a response out of him.

"That's funny. Whatever," Ash said in a chirpy voice. One he used when he was under stress.

"DON'T F WITH MY LOVE, THAT HEART IS SO COLD," Calum blurted the words to Ed Sheeran's song Don't, probably to alleviate some tension.

"Shut up Cal!" Ash and I said at the same time, and we all laughed, forgetting about how I was head over heels for a girl they were both friends with.

After what seemed like we drove across the entire continent, Ash dropped me off at my house. I waved bye, and hastily made my way to my room. I needed to clear my head, and that usually meant writing songs.

I sat on my bed and started jotting down lyrics.

"I can feel you watching even when you're nowhere to be seen, and I can feel you touching even when you're far away from me."

I had pressed my pencil down so hard on the paper that there was a gaping hole staring at me where me should have been. I crumbled the sheet up and threw it in my rubbish bin. This was most definitely not going to work tonight. I plugged my headphones in and put my phone on shuffle, only to have Beside You thrown in my face. All it did was remind me of her today at band practice.

She was gorgeous. The way her hair perfectly suited the hot pink bikini she wore was a mystery to me. Much like she was in general. I remember when she read Paper Towns, so I went home and read it in a night so maybe I would have something to talk about with her. One quote always stuck out to me. "Maybe she loved mysteries so much that she became one." I feel like that describes Britain in a way. She was actually a lot like Margo, to be honest.

I always tried to do something to impress her, even if that meant going to the bookstore to buy the young adult romance books. She loved Ed Sheeran, which I had always liked his music, so I always made sure to know some facts and his lyrics around her. Life was definitely an adventure with her. She always had a quippy remark or a question. Her presence was a strong one. You always knew she was in the room because of her brightness.

I hadn't realized I had left my headphones in, and soon I heard the beginnings of Photograph, Britain's favorite song.

"Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes. But it's the only thing that I know."

How songs can relate to us sometimes. I wonder what songwriters think when they create the work of art that's called a song. Hearing this song right now makes me feel as if it was written just for me. Because I loved, and it was hurting me. But I still did, because it was the only thing I knew. I knew one day it would help me, and I would have to be brave enough to take the chance to share my love. Let it be with Britain or someone else, I don't know. But I knew one day I would know when to set my love free.

I knew my dreams would be of her. I always wondered if she dreamed of me. Even in dreams, I could feel the force of her glorious blue eyed stares. I always wanted to be the subject of her dreams. The good ones, at least. I never wanted to haunt her. If I did, I don't think I could live with myself.

"Hearing you whisper through the phone, wait for me to come home."

I heard the ending lines of Photograph as my eyelids started to droop, already seeing dark blonde hair and beautiful, bold blue eyes.

Hey guys! It's C again! Hope youn enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it!

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