I'm a Mess

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Luke's POV

"I don't know what I did wrong. I don't want to lose my best friend," Brit sobbed into my shirt.

She was sitting in my lap, crying hysterically. I was rocking her back and forth, almost like she was a toddler. I was rubbing and petting her hair, just trying to make her calm down. Anger boiled inside of me though. If Ash loved her so much, why did he hurt her like this? If it weren't for him, the best thing to ever come in my life wouldn't be so upset.

"Shhhh, babe. It's okay. I'll try to talk to him," I cooed into her ear, which brought on more sobs. What was I supposed to do? I just continued to rock her back and forth.

"Last time you were in a room alone with him, he hurt you. I don't know why he's trying to alienate his closest friends," she said, and I could feel her tears soaking my shirt. I couldn't stand her being like this.

"How about this? Cal asks him to meet him to eat or something, and you tag along and try to make some sense of this? I'll be next door or in the car of you need me," I said, lifting her chin so I could look at her face. Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen from the tears. She was broken.

She sniffled and rubbed her nose. "You think it would work?" she whimpered, staring at me.

Would it? I don't know, but I do know one thing. She needed hope, and I was going to do my best to give her some. "Yes. And I promise to be nearby in case something happens," I replied.

She smiled at me. Britain was still beautiful, even after she had been crying for an hour. "Can we wait till tomorrow? I don't think I can deal with that today,' she asked, her voice already gaining strength.

"Yes babe. We can wait," I said, and then kissed her. She smiled into it, and giggled. "I don't think I'll ever get used to this," she said quietly, and then kissed me again.

"Me neither, princess," I said, breaking away from her. "Hey, do you want to do something?" I asked, without really thinking, but an idea already forming in my mind.

"I'd love to."


"Luke, this is the park. This, by no means, is doing something," she said to me sarcastically, getting out the car. I laughed.

"This is the first time we've ever been anywhere as a couple though," I replied, making her smile and grab my hand.

"Last one to the swings has to push," Britain challenged, knowing our favorite playground activity.

"Cool. Countdown: 1,2..." I started, but before I could even get to three, Brit had already started running to the swings. I ran, my long legs quickly catching up to her. When I reached her, she pushed my shoulder, shoving me behind her. Because of that, she beat me.

"You're a cheater!" I yelled, picking her up by her waist and swinging her around.

"Lucas, put me down!" she screamed while laughing, flailing her limbs. After one more turn, I sat her gently on the ground. She stuck her tongue out, and went and sat on the nearest swing, smiling.

I slowly walked over and lightly pushed her, causing her to grumble, which made me laugh. "Lucas, push me higher," she said, causing me to laugh more.

"Whatever you say, your majesty," I replied, while bowing. She giggled, and I started pushing.

We sat in comfortable silence, us in our own thoughts. I thought about how much of a blessing Brit was to me, and how much I cared about her. I never wanted to lose her. If I did, I would have no purpose in life.

"Hey, Lukey?" Britain asked in a dreamy voice.

"Yes, babe?" I replied.

"Are you happy?" she asked, sounding like she was genuinely concerned.

"Brit Brit, I'm the happiest I've ever been. These past few days have been like I've been on Cloud Nine," I gushed.

She nodded, and we didn't talk for a few minutes.

"Babe?" I questioned.

"Mhmm?" she hummed back.

"Are you happy?" I asked her question back. There was a very short silence before she spoke again.

"Luke, I'm grand. I don't know how I would survive without you," she said, looking at me and smiling. I quickly stopped pushing and brought my lips down to hers, my hands cupping her face, hers burying themselves in my hair. We spent what seemed like hours in that exact spot, and I knew one thing for sure.

I loved her.

Hey guy's! It's C! I know this is kinda short but I think it reveals quite a bit of how Luke feels. I hope you enjoy this! Lots of things happen in the next few chapters, and this is just a cute chapter before crap goes down. Thank you for over 250 reads! W and I appreciate ya'll so much and just leave feedback, either it be good or bad. We love you!!

-C! <3

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