Redheads and Ramblings

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a/n: okay, if you voted for this chapter, make sure your vote went through. my wattpad was acting weirdly this afternoon and it kept publishing and unpublishing this chapter. this sounds bad, but we just want to make sure that everything is good. thanks so much guys, we love you!

Luke's POV

The plane ride was okay, I guess. I had no idea what Ashton had done to Brit before we went through security, but it had to be pretty bad to make her cry like that. I hated not being able to go to my best friend. I missed him. I tried to find forgiveness in my heart for him, but I couldn't, and I wasn't quite sure why.

We all got along somewhat on the ride, Ash and I just kept our distance from each other. It was fun, it just being the guys, which hadn't happened in forever. We just goofed off, and it was nice to be goofy with them.

As soon as the plane landed and the attendant said it was fine to get our phones out, I snatched it out of my carry on and texted Brit that we had landed. I also mentioned how much I loved her and that I missed her immensely already.

Mr. Glickman said he would pick us up at the airport with his daughter, Rachel, who was supposedly our biggest fan. I rolled my eyes when he told us that on the phone, but the other boys, mostly Michael and Calum, were excited to meet her. We walked through the gates towards the lobby, where we saw an older, tall man with salt and pepper hair holding a sign that said "5 Seconds of Summer". Standing next to him was a girl, probably 17 or 18, who was pretty. Most men would say she was gorgeous or flawless, but no other man had a girl like Britain.

She ran up to us immediately. The girl threw herself at me, pulling me into a hug. I gave a death stare to Michael, asking for help. "Oh my God, it's Luke! I'm such a huge fan! I'm Rachel!" The girl exclaimed, pulling away. She had long red hair almost to her waist, brown eyes, which contrasted with her bright hair. She had freckles, but ten times more than Brit had. I also noticed she was tall, taller than Hannah.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," I politely said back, taking a couple steps back from her. I introduced myself to Mr. Glickman, who was much nicer in person than on the phone. We walked towards where we got our luggage, and I checked to see if Brit had texted back. Instead I was greeted by the picture of her tangled in Christmas lights. Seeing it made me grin. She was so adorable, yet also the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

Rachel must have been looking over my shoulder, because her voice was in my ear. "Oh, is that your girlfriend? She's...cute, I guess." She asked, her voice phrasing the second sentence like a put-down.

"She's beautiful," Ash whispered, loud enough for only Rachel and me to hear. I nodded.

"Her name is Britain, and she's the most gorgeous girl I have ever met," I amended, staring a hole through Rachel while I was saying that. "She's the best thing to happen to me, and I love her with all my heart." I prayed that saying these words would persuade her to leave me alone.

"Aw, well that's sweet," was all she said in response. I walked ahead, starting a conversation up with Mr. Glickman. He was actually really smart and gave me some great advice. Rachel came up to me again and rubbed her shoulder against mine, and I instantly walked ahead, trying to get out of her reach.

We got in a taxi, and Mr. Glickman explained to us our itinerary while we were in the UK. We would have a hotel in London the whole time, and just traveling to the venues everyday. They weren't more than two hours from our hotel, so there was no need to relocate every night. Our first concert would be tomorrow, and we would travel to the venue for sound-check in the morning. Tonight we would rest, so that meant I could talk to Brit tonight and stay as far away from Rachel as possible.
I kept my distance from Rachel. She walked in the hotel with us, and luckily Michael struck up a conversation with her. I already couldn't stand her, one was because she was pushy, and two because I could tell she was a grade A bitch. All I really wanted to do was get in my hotel room and talk to Brit. This sounded cheesy, but with her becoming my girlfriend, she also became my best friend.

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