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Hannah's POV

Ashton. He was all I could think about. His dimples. His strong arms. His cheeky grin. His laugh. His everything.

He has made so many mistakes, but I couldn't help but go back to him. He was everything I wanted.

Everything I needed.

I hated to leave him there, broken and alone, but I had to find out if I could be without him, and if I he was worth it.

The answer:

He was.

Ashton's POV

When I sent that text to Hannah, I hadn't expected a reply so fast.

From Hannah :)

You haven't ruined anything, Ashton. If anything, you've given me a gift. I know what I want now. Can we meet?

My heart dropped when she asked if we could meet. Was she going to say she never wanted to see me again? I couldn't live with my self if that's what she wanted.

To Hannah :)

Of course. Come to mine around 3?

From Hannah :)


I looked at the time. I had about an hour to get ready. Crap. I had to look presentable in an hour for the girl I might love.

I run to the shower and quickly clean myself up. As I'm in the shower, I think about what I'm going to say to her. Am I going to be able to talk without breaking down?

I walk back into my room, and I find some clothes.

I finally decide on a black t-shirt and a blue and black flannel, black skinny jeans, and I black bandanna.

I grab some cologne that my parents had given me years ago and put it on. I never usually wear it because the smell usually overwhelms me, but I wanted to be the best I could be for Hannah.

I check my phone and it's 2:53. She should almost be here. I make my way back to my living room and sit down on the couch.

As soon as I sit down, the doorbell rings. I jump up and run to the door. I swing it open to see the beautiful Hannah smiling back at me.

"Hey," I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Hello, Ashton," she replied warmly.

Hannah was dressed simply, but she looked amazing.

She wore her hair down in waves. She wore a flowy punk top and light blue jean shorts and white converse. Simple and beautiful.

"Oh, why don't you come in?" I said backing away from the door.

She walked into my house and the faintest scent of vanilla wafted through the air. I absolutely loved that smell. It took a lot of will power to keep me from pulling her to me and burying my head in her neck.

I led her over to the couch, and we both sat down facing each other.

"How have you been?" I ask tentatively.

"Well that's what I've come to talk to you about. You see, Ashton. You have made a few mistakes in the time I've known you. Some of which I can't forget. Some that I can brush off. Bottom line is, you've fucked up, Ashton Irwin, but I've run into a problem. These last few days in which I've lived without you have been torture. All I can think about is you. Your weird way of dealing with pain. Your deep little dimples. Your adorable laugh. Your shaggy hair. Ashton, I'm not just saying all this because I need to. I'm saying it because I need you to know that walking away from you wasn't easy for me. It tore me apart to leave you broken like that. You've become my best friend, someone that is able to make me forget the things in my life. What I'm really trying to say here is I want you back in my life. Scratch that, I need you back in my life, but there's another problem that arises. You've shown me that I can't completely put all of my trust in you. I wish that I could, I really do, but your actions have proved that I can't, so while I am wanting you back in my life, it's obvious that I can't completely."

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