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Luke's POV

I hadn't heard from Britain since I had walked out of Starbucks, and it was breaking my heart. I had texted and called her many times, and she was blatantly ignoring me. Even though I had skipped out after the fiasco with Ashton, I had done nothing else wrong. Maybe she just needed time, and that was something I needed. I had spent the rest of the day and the majority of the night planning how I was going to tell Brit I love her. It was now around eleven o'clock the next morning, and my phone vibrated.

From Brit Brit:

Sorry I can't see you today. I just need some girl time, but I promise I'll make it up to you.

Attached to the text was a simple selfie of her with a pair of glasses on. She rarely wore them, but she looked gorgeous with them on. I quickly texted back.

To Brit Brit:

You look beautiful as always. You never told me you wore glasses, but I like them. You look like a sexy librarian. ;)

I smiled at my words, hoping it would make her laugh.

From Brit Brit:

Oh, shut up. Haha

To Brit Brit:

You know you like me

From Brit Brit:

I don't know about that.

To Brit Brit:

Oh, Brit. That truly hurts. I don't know if I can go on.

From Brit Brit:

Oh, calm down. Haha. I could never hate you. :*

To Brit Brit:

I'm glad to hear that. :)

From Brit Brit:

Hey, I think Hannah just pulled up. I'll see you tomorrow, Lukey.

I shake my head and laugh and the nickname Brit has acquired for me.

To Brit Brit:

Don't call me that! Haha. But okay, princess. See you tomorrow.

This tiny conversation made me smile. Just thinking about Brit made my heart beat faster. Tomorrow Brit was going to know how I truly felt for her, even if she didn't feel the same. I knew I was going to need some help setting this up, since I had a lot planned for it. I obviously wasn't going to ask Ash, in fear of getting punched and because he would never agree to help his best friend but current enemy tell the girl he was also in love with tell her he was in love with her.

Calum had to drive Brit home yesterday, and she probably told him everything, so I really didn't feel the need to bother him with this. That left Michael, which was kind of awkward that he was Brit's brother, but I knew he would help with no questions asked. I texted him asking if I could come over to update him. He agreed, and said that he would be at my house in fifteen minutes.

Twenty minutes later, Mikey pulled up and honked the horn. I ran out of my house, muttering bye to my parents. I hopped in the passenger side, him giving me a death stare.

"What?" I ask sheepishly.

"Why did you wake me up at 11:00 in the morning?" he grumbles, rubbing his eyes.

I shake my head. "Well, I thought you might like to know that your sister's best friend is determined to ruin her relationship," I whisper, anger flaring in my chest.

Michael looked stunned, "Wait, what the hell? Why haven't I been told any of this?"

"You've been sleeping and doing God knows what! Anyway, you saw what happened at practice a few days ago. Trying to help Brit not lose her best friend, I told her that Cal could go meet Ash for lunch and her just tag along. Well, that ended badly. It just made things worse. I was in Starbucks a few doors down, in case anything happened. Brit came running in, balling. Ash must've figured out where she went and I was with her, and came in and made a huge scene. I fired back, and Ash stormed out and she followed. They somewhat made up, but then Ash kissed her. In front of my nose. I got pissed, and went to his house. We had some words, and here we are," I tried explaining to him.

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