Disney Prince Comparisons

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Luke's POV

After one of the greatest band practices ever, I walked up to Michael. I had at least waited until Calum and Ashton had left to make my confessional. I hoped they didn't realize my feelings for Britain, but I'm guessing I was pretty obvious about my affections.

"Mate, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked, trying not to stutter.

"Sure, man! What's the problem?" Mikey replied quizzically.

I had a speech planned out, but nerves took over and I rambled. "I like Britain a lot, okay? And my present for her is I'm writing this song to express my feelings and I'm going to sing it to her at the party and I just really hope you approve because I really like like her and I want her to be happy." I huffed out, breathing rapidly afterwards from not taking breathes during my rambling.

Mikey stood there stunned. Did he not approve? Did he not think I was good enough? A million, a billion negative things ran through my head.

"Oh well, great job little sis for have better genes than me! But yeah dude, I totally approve. You two act like you are the only two people in the world when you look at each other. You're a great man, and you'll make her very happy and treat her like a princess," he said, but then added under his breath, "don't be disappointed when you see what Ash gives Brit."

"Huh?" I asked. He quickly replied something about how he coughed.

"Well thanks buddy. I'm happy that you approve," I said, quickly exiting the basement.

I walked up the steps hastily, almost running into Britain on her way down. "Oh! I was about to come check on you. I saw Ash and Calum leave about fifteen minutes ago. I went on a Starbucks run and brought everyone back something. Here's yours," she said, handing me a Starbucks cup.

"Thanks, Brit Brit," I replied smiling. She blushed, looked at her purple Vans, and finished her way down the stairs.

"Hey Luke! Why don't you just stay and I'll drive you home later?" Michael said, and then winked at me when Britain turned around. I stuck my tongue out at him and made my way back down the steps.

In Mikey's and Britain's basement, there was obviously the band equipment, a T.V., and a couple of old couches. Britain sat in the middle of one of the couches, and patted the seat next to her. I sat next to her, and Michael sat on the couch directly to the right of us. He had control of the remote, and who knew, turned on Frozen.

The opening titles played and showed the ice men or whatever they're called cutting the ice, while showing shots of baby Kristoff.

Brit poked me in the cheek to get my attention. "Lukey, I bet you looked like Kristoff when you were five," she said thoughtfully.

For some reason, Michael started busting out laughing, which made me laugh. "Yep, I sure did," I told Brit, which made her grin and laugh. She was so adorable.

Michael sang all of "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" in varying degrees of a girl voice, which made me and Britain double over in laughter.

When "Love is an Open Door" came around, Britain turned to me and sandg, "Okay, can I just say something crazy?" and I replied, "I love crazy!"

We sang the whole song, and we actually sounded pretty good. Britain always said she couldn't sing, but she actually could. When it was over, Michael stood up and applauded us. Brit and I kept eye contact for a minute more, than looked away and laughed.

"Let It Go" started playing, and I played the typical "first-date-and-we-went-to-the-movies-and-I-want-to-put-my-arm-around-you" card. I slowly reached up and laid my arm on the back of the couch, lightly touching her back and long hair. She actually snuggled into my touch, and I smiled.

Mikey nodded and winked at me. I shook my head in response. By the time "In Summer" played, Britain had her head on my shoulder and was snoring quietly. I smiled down at her. She was even prettier when she slept. She was so at peace and had a tiny little smirk on her face. Michael looked at me and said, "I'll take her up to bed, and you can wait so I can drive you home." I nodded.

He swiftly picked her up and put her over his shoulder. She never woke up. Mikey lightly treaded up the stair and I followed. I stopped in his living room while Mikey climbed more stairs. I checked the time on my phone, and it was 11:45. I texted my parents so they wouldn't be worried, and walked to Mikey's car. ABout five minutes later, he returned and got in the driver's seat.

"She really does like you, Luke. When I sat her in her bed, she was whispering your name. And she's usually so guarded around guys. She's only open to the band touching her, and never something as intimate as the touching that happened tonight. Plus she called you Kristoff. She loves Kristoff, f.y.i. Like He's her favorite person ever. So take that as a compliment. That shows she likes you a lot since she compared you to him." Michael explained to me.

"I'm honored to be compared to a Disney prince. Especially Kristoff. He's pretty cool for a Disney character. But I really do like her. I've always thought she had feelings for Ash, but I feel like after tonight, I definitely have a chance. I seriously think she is the perfect girl," I say, my voice melting even talking about her. 

Mikey gagged. "Oh shut up, Romeo. And wait, do you have like a man crush on Kristoff or something dude?" he asked, almost in a serious voice. We bothed laughed, tired, sleepy laughs. I was emotionally drained.

We spent the rest of the ride in silence, us in thoughts of completely different things. I stared out my window, watching the colorless scenery fly by. Life is sometimes like this. Riding in a car in the daytime, life being full of colors like love and happiness and laughter. Sometimes life was colorless, like riding at night. Full of anger and sadness and hate. That's what life would be like without Britain. Full of hate and anger, never having a ray of sun. Brit was a ray of sun. She filled everything with love and life and laughter.

Being wrapped up in my thoughts, I didn't notice we had puled up to my house until Michael snapped in my ear.

"Oh! Thanks for the ride. I'll probably talk to you tomorrow," I reply, getting out of the car waving.

I run into my house and quietly sneak to me room. As soon as I reach my room, my phone buzzes with a Twitter alert.

@BritClif: Life couldn't get better than this. :)

I leaned against my door, and slowly slid down it. I hoped, I prayed, that this was geared towards me. Something in the back of mind told me it was, but I ignored it. I couldn't get my hopes up to be put down. I open Twitter myself and tweet:

@Luke5SOS: Amazing night, amazing life. (-----:

I put my phone down on my nightstand, and grab my song book. Lyrics were floating in my head tonight, and I knew, somehow, this was going to be the night my feelings would be released into something magical.

So hey guys! It's C! This chapter wasa freaking emotional roller coaster but I love it so much. Finally Luke decides to stop being a wimp. (: I ship lutain so hard omg. SO do you guys ship Lutain or Ashtain? Comment below! PLus thank you guys for almost 100 reads! W and I appreciate it so much and we love you all!

-C (:

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