A Ring for Responsibility

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Ashton's POV

"You look beautiful, honey," I say.

"Thanks, Ashton," Hannah says smiling.

It feels so good to see her face again and hear her voice. Seeing her only cemented the fact that she was mine and that I was very lucky.

We talked on Skype for what felt like minutes, but it actually was about an hour.

Something about her made me forget about time.

I wonder if that's what it felt like to fall in love.


We had some down time before our second gig, so I decided to walk around to get to know my surroundings.

I pass by a ton of little shops. Some were just there and didn't catch eye.

As I passed by one shop, I noticed it was a jewelry shop. It had several handmade pieces. I walk through the threshold of the building. I walk around the tiny space until a small ring catches my eye.

It's a silver ring with a small ruby set in between two smaller diamonds. The face of the band of the ring was braided and that was where the gems sat.

It was a beautiful ring, and it reminded me of Hannah. A beautiful ring for a beautiful girl.

"Excuse me, can I buy this ring right here?" I say pointing to the ring I wanted.

"Yes, sir. Of course," the old shop owner said hobbling over to the case.

"Did you make this?" I asked.

"Yes. I make all the pieces in this shop," he replies looking nostalgic.

"Wow, they're all so beautiful," I say kindly.

"Why thank you," the old man says.

I smile down at the old man as he processes my purchase. I pay for it. It was only $45. It surprised me. I thought something this beautiful would cost more.

"Thank you, sir. You've helped make a girl very happy," I say chuckling a little.

"It's what I live for. That's why I started this shop, to make people happy," he said smiling.

I wave good bye to the man and walk back into the street the little box in hand.

I keep walking down the street and find a small candy store filled with exquisite looking chocolate. I walk in and buy two boxes. One for Hannah and one for Brit. I bought one for Brit because I know she loves chocolate.

I notice the time. It's almost time for the gig. I back track and make my way to our hotel.

The boys were inside the room wrestling with each other.

"Michael! You're crushing me!" I hear Calum shout.

I laugh and skate my head at the shenanigans that my friends are participating in. I couldn't leave them alone without something like happening.

They notice I've walked in with a bag, and they all stop and get curious.

"What's in the bag, Ashy?" Michael asks laughing at the nick name.

"Don't call me that. And if you must know, it's a ring and some chocolate. I'm sending it to Hannah. Oh, and Luke. I bought a box for Brit because I know she loves chocolate. If you want to send them to her, you can," I grumble pushing the box to him.

"Thanks," he mutters back.

I look at him, and he looks up. We lock eyes for a minute, and I see a twinge of something in his eyes. It almost looked like sadness, guilt, and maybe an apology.

Before I can really look, he breaks the gaze.

I really miss my best friend, but things aren't like they used to be. We're not who we were a few weeks ago.

"Hey, guys. Can we do Long Way Home tonight? I want to dedicate it to Hannah. It kinda represents the long journey she's going to have if she wants to deal with me," I say laughing.

"Sure thing, mate," Calum says.

Michael agrees, and not long after, so does Luke.

Before we head off the the venue, I sit down and write a small letter to Hannah to include with the ring and chocolate.


I hope this box finds you well. Now, I know a small velvet box might scare you. You might think, "I'm not ready for marriage. I didn't think Ash was this serious." Let me be the first to say, this box is a promise ring. It might be a little fancy to call it that, but with this ring, I want to make a promise to you.

This ring is a promise to you that no matter what we go through, no matter how hard any obstacle is, we will get through it.

It's a promise that I'm yours for as long as you'll have me. I'm always going to be here for you Hannah. You're my damsel that I'm risking everything to save.

I know we got off to a very very rough start, but with this ring, I hope to say that that is all behind us. This ring will cement the feeling I have for. Forever and always.

You'll always be my girl. I just hope that I'll be your guy.


I seal the letter in an envelope and place it in a larger envelope. I quickly scrawl Hannah's address on it.

I take the envelope with me and drop it in a mailbox while we're on the way to the venue.

We get to the venue and begin to set up our instruments. The other boys are tuning their guitars. I sit behind my drums and idly tap them. I pull my phone out and send a quick text to Hannah.

To Hannah Banana

Thinking about you, beautiful. :*

I was about to put my phone back in my pocket when it buzzes.

From Hannah Banana

Awe, thank you. Good luck tonight, Ash. But try not to distract me. I wanna see the cute drummer. ;)

I laugh and put my phone in my pocket.

It's time for the gig to start, and I look out into the crowd.

It's even bigger than it was the last time. It's almost double the last.

"Hello, everybody. We have a great set prepared for you, but first our boy, Ashton, has a few words for someone special back home," Luke said into his microphone.

"Hey, guys. I want to dedicate our first song to my girlfriend, Hannah. She's so special to me. If some of you could video it and tag it to my Twitter, @Ashton5SOS, so I can show her, it would be amazing. This song is a simple way to say, I want to spend all my time with you, Hannah. Forever. This ladies and gentlemen, is Long Way Home," I say starting the beat.

We sing our way through the set. The crowd goes absolutely wild. It was almost so energetic that I didn't feel my phone buzzing in my pocket.

I pull it out and see Brit's name. Why is she calling? She wouldn't call unless it were an emergency. Did something happen to Hannah?

I quickly answer the phone and walk off stage so I can hear her.

"Brit? Is everything okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Ash? I-I did something. Something bad. Really bad," she sobbed into the phone.

My heart sank. I wasn't ready for what she said next.


Mentally prepare yourself for the next chapter. I had to, and I wrote it.

Thanks so much to all the reads lately! Both on this and on unexpected! Y'all are amazing! Absolutely amazing.

I've started to write poetry! If I posted some of it, would you guys read it?

Hugs and kisses! xoxoxo


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