Truths and True Loves

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Luke's POV

I had lied to Brit. Lied straight through my teeth. I shouldn't feel bad about it, it was for the better. The tour was actually only extended three days, which meant I would be home just in time for Christmas with her. I knew how much she loved Christmas, and I thought this would be the best present for her.
It was the day we got to go home. After Brit came and visited, Rachel finally decided to back down. She must have come to her senses and realized that I was so deeply in love with Brit, I would never try to dig myself away from her and into Rachel's arms.

Since Britain thought we still had four days left on the tour, she facetimed me this morning. I answered it quickly, going to the bathroom. "Good morning, Brit Brit."

"Hey Lukey," she answered back, yawning. I felt sorry for her immediately, knowing she had to wake up early so she could talk to me. Only she didn't realize she would be seeing me tonight. We kept up the usual banter we had for about twenty minutes, and then I noticed she was glazing over and staring into space.

"Brit, baby, what are you thinking about?" I asked her, since she never was like this. Brit was always alert.

"Oh. Nothing. I guess just the future, you know. What's going to happen to us, to this," she wondered out loud, her hands moving with every word.

"Britain Clifford, I have every intention of spending the rest of my life with you. I don't know if I can spend a day without talking to you or seeing your gorgeous face. If you can put up my shit for that long."

Brit smiled. "I plan that as well. I don't know what I would do without you, Luke. I hope you can put up with me that long. I'm kind of weird," she ended her statement, laughing.

"But I love your weirdness," I replied, making her blush. "I mean every word. I would have no motivation in life without you. You guide me, lead me. I thank God every day for you, Brit, and I pray that you won't leave me."

"Luke! If I haven't left you by now, I wouldn't. These past few months have been the best I've ever had, and I have you to thank."

"Britain, I think I fall more and more in love with you every day. By the time I'm twenty- one, I think my heart just might burst because I'll love you so much."

"Lukey, I feel exactly the same. I'm waiting for the day my hearts busts at the seams because I truly love you so much."

"You're the most beautiful girl I know, and every girl is dull in comparison to you. You're a star and every other girl is a rain cloud," I told her, somewhat gushing.

"I know gorgeous isn't really a word to describe guys, but you are, Luke. The way your eyes sparkle when you sing or do something you love. How when you smile, a genuine smile, your whole face glows," she rambled, using her hands to talk again. She finally finished, and she smiled at me. "So this is a promise? A promise that we won't leave each other and that we will spend the rest of our lives together?"

I nodded and held up my pinky. "I pinky promise, Britain." She held hers up in response and giggled. That laugh could cure all illnesses. "We're still only teenagers, and most people say that teen love never lasts, but Jesus Christ, I never think I'll love someone as much as I love you."

She blushed again. "I think teen love is the strongest. We don't have to worry about jobs, social status, or anything. I love you for you, not for your money or your job or your social rank. I just love Luke Hemmings, the lead singer for this stupid band 5 Seconds of Summer." She paused. "Now, somewhat talking about marriage, I just don't want to...... frickle frackle before we get married."

I was shocked. I knew Brit went to church, unlike her other family members, but I never knew she had this view before. It kind of ruined part of the plan for surprising her tonight, but I was going to respect her wishes. Without realizing it, I must have had a sad look on my face because she quickly piped up.

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