Dependability and Decisions

221 9 4

Ashton's POV

We've been married for a year now. She was 8 months pregnant. I've never seen her more beautiful than she is now.

How could I be so lucky as to have her?

"Ashton? Can you help me a second?" Brit called from our living room.

I walk in and see the love of my life trying to get up from the couch. Her stomach was so big she couldn't get up. I laughed before walking over to the couch.

"Need a hand princess?" I say.

"Well that's why I called you in here, silly," she giggles.

I reach down a hand for her to grab. She takes it gladly. I pull her up and hug her, which was kinda of hard due to our child.

I laugh and kiss the top of her head.

"How did I become so lucky as to have you? You're so beautiful, and you have no idea how excited I am to be having a baby with you. It is a dream come true to be your husband, Mrs. Irwin," I say with tears beginning to fall.

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin, I am privileged to say that I am yours, today, tomorrow, and for every day after that. I don't think I will ever go a day without loving you," she said tears of her own falling now.

I press a kiss to her head.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you, too," she returns smiling.

This is one of the best moments of my life. I get to spend the rest of my days with the most beautiful girl on the planet.

I am truly the most blessed man in the world.


I jolt awake. I look around to see the other boys staring at me. I feel my cheeks flush red. I look at Luke as if he could see into my head and see that I was dreaming about his girlfriend. He sends me a steely look before looking away.

I get up and move places on the plane.

The man who called us was gracious enough to send us a plane. It was one of those that had the recliner kind of seats and they were spaced out throughout the cabin.

I moved to a seat as far away from Luke as possible. I hated avoiding my best friend, but he hated me now, so I did what I could to be emotionally okay, but it hasn't worked very well.

As soon as I moved, I put my head in my hands. I've been so foolish lately. Running around telling a girl who's taken that I love her when I have my own girlfriend to worry about.

What is wrong with me? I'm such a mess.

I really have some reevaluating to do.

Before I start to really think, I hear foot steps padding over to where I'm sitting.

"Hey, mate. Are you all right?" I hear.

I look up to see a cheeky kiwi looking down at me.

"No, I'm really not fine at all, Calum," I whisper back.

"Anything you need to talk about, man?" he asks.

"It's the whole, Brit and Hannah thing. I jut can't get Brit out of my head. No matter how hard I try. I tried staying away, but all that did was ruin our friendship. I tried being friends. All that's done is make me love her more. I just don't see how she can look at me and see nothing when I look at her and see everything.

Then there's Hannah. I don't even know her much, and I can't help but be attracted to her. She's so beautiful and amazing and kind and smart. She's been through so much, and I want to be the one to make her forget the evils of her past. I just want to be there for her like she's been there for me, and I feel like I've failed her, Cal," I say the tears flowing freely now.

"Wow," he said stunned.

"Yeah, I'm in deep. I keep trying to climb out of this hole I'm in, and my problems keep dragging me down," I reply.

"Well, mate. Who do you want more?" Cal asks.

"That's the thing. I don't even know anymore," I say dejected.

"Okay, let me rephrase that. Who do you see as more of a friend, and who as more of a girlfriend?"

His words made me stop and think. I was more than ready to say Britain as a girlfriend and Hannah as a friend, but was that really what I wanted? Brit was taken and adored by Luke. She was taken.

Hannah has told me her darkest secrets. She's trusted me with everything. I've done the same with her. I've shared more with her than I ever had with any one else, even Brit. Something made me want her, need her even.

"Brit... as a friend and Hannah as a girlfriend," I say slowly.

"Reasons?" Cal returns.

"Brit as a friend because, even though I love her, she's taken by Luke and what kind of friend would I be if I stole my best friend's girl? She's my best friend for a reason.

Hannah as a girlfriend because there's just something about her that keeps me going back. She's a girl with a few problems, but none I'm not ready to try and fix," I say.

"Well, mate. It sounds like you've finally decided," Calum says giving me a smile.

"I guess I have," I say laughing.

"Feel better now?" Cal asks.

"Loads better. Thanks so much, Calum," I say clapping him on the back.

"It's no problem at all, Ashton. I'm always here," Cal says leaning in for a short hug.

With that, Cal and I go back to where Michael and Luke are sitting to find them throwing peanuts at each other.

Luke threw one at Michael, and Michael caught it in his mouth.

A loud chorus of "ohhhhhs" erupted from the three other boys.

I laugh and join my friends. For the rest of the flight we joke around and play. It's like there aren't walls separating Luke and I. It's like we were back to our normal selfs. It's refreshing after this feud, but the crushing fact is that we still haven't made up, and I'm not sure when we will or if we will.


No goal! We're not posting goals anymore. From now on, we'll be updating every Friday!

Merry Christmas guys!

This is our present to you!

We love you!


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