Chance Encounters

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Britain's POV

He caresses my face so gently with his hands and begins to trace circles on my cheek. My face is burning from his touch.

"You're so beautiful, Britain."

"Really? Do you think so?"

"Of course. I've always thought that."

With those few words, I look up into his crystalline blue eyes to see them already looking at me. He was gazing deeply into my eyes. It was like he was taking in every possible feature of my face like he was afraid to lose me. As I'm watching him, he begins to lean in, and before I know it his thin lips are gently pressed against mine. The kiss is so light it makes my heart flutter. Before I know it, he breaks the kiss. Even though it was so small, so gentle, I can feel the kiss still burning on my lips.

"You're so amazing, Britain."

"Never as amazing as you, handsome."

He leans in for another kiss, but I'm ripped from dream by the sound of my brother's stereo. Michael is awake which means, so am I.

"Michael!" I yell.

"Hey, what's up, Britain?" Michael asks as he steps into my doorway, toothbrush still in his mouth.

"You woke me up with your stupid music! I was having the best dream!"

"Oh, really? Was it about that mystery boy you keep swooning about?" he says batting his eyelashes.

"That is none of your business." I say crossing my arms and glaring at him.

"Oh, it is!" he says laughing as he walks back to the bathroom to finish brushing his teeth.

I sigh as I climb out of bed. I put my brother's demo in. It's actually a good song, even though my brother is an idiot. It starts to play, and I hear his voice. It is so amazing, and it just sends me over the moon. I'm on cloud nine. I begin to dance about my room. I open my closet to find what to wear, and I finally decide on a baby blue crop top to show off the new belly button ring I got, as well as a pair of white shorts. As far as my hair goes, that's another story. My hair is long, messy, and dirty blonde. Today, I have a serious case of bed head. I decide to not fight it too much. I throw it up into a bun, and I curl two strands that hang down to frame my face. I quickly do my makeup, and then head downstairs to find Michael already there savaging for food in our pantry. He looks around the door with a PopTart hanging out of his mouth.

"Hey," Michael says, voice muffled by the was of food he has in his mouth.

"Morning," I say.

"Just so you know, the guys are coming over for practice soon," he informs me.

"Okay, that's fine," I say as my heart skips a beat.

"Whatever," Michael mumbles.

I grab a cup of yogurt from the fridge and go and sit on the couch and wait for the opportunity to see him.

Not soon after the doorbell rings.

"Will you get that?" Michael yells from the kitchen. He's no doubt still trying to find food.

I get up and brush myself off, as well as compose myself. I open the door to see Calum's grinning face.

"Morning, short stuff!" he calls. Calum has called me that ever since his growth spurt around the age of ten. I had always been taller than him. Now he won't let me live it down that he's the taller one now.

"Morning, Calum," I say laughing.

Next came Ashton, the best friend a girl could have. Ash and I have been close friends since we were 9. He's almost a better brother than Michael.

"Morning, cutie." he says laughing at Calum's antics.

"Hey, Ash," I say smiling. I hug him as he comes through the door.

Finally, there he is. Luke. The guy of my dreams. Literally.

"Morning, Brit," he said flashing his brilliant smile at me.

"Good morning, Luke," I say returning a million dollar smile.

He steps inside my house. Hopefully, he didn't see me turn as red as a tomato.

As the boys enter the kitchen, and greet Michael, I stand there and smile like an idiot for a few seconds before joining them.

"So what song are we practicing today?" Ash inquires.

"I was thinking 'Beside You'," Luke responds.

After the usual discussion about the song choice, they decide to go with Luke's suggestion. 'Beside You' just so happens to be one of my favorites. The boys all file out into the garage where they all keep their equipment. They begin to tune their instruments. Ash taps quietly on his drums. I take a seat close to the garage door.

"You guys ready?" Ash asks.

"Yeah, all ready," the others chorus.

Ash begins the beat and Calum strums his bass and Michael his guitar. Luke begins the lyrics. It's not long before I find myself singing along. When he gets to the chorus, I really begin to belt it out. Little does Luke know, I'm singing the words to him.

"My heart wants to come home. I wish I was, I wish I was beside you..." we both sing.

They finish the song, and I applaud them all. They all grin widely at me.

"That was great, guys!" I say smiling.

"Thanks!" they all exclaim.

After they put away their equipment, they all make their way back into the house.

"Hey! Who's up for a swim?" Michael asks.

"I'm game," Ash responds.

"Me too!" Calum says happily.

"I guess I'm outnumbered." Luke laughs.

"Mind if I join you guys?" I ask.

"Of course not, little sis." Mikey says.

With that, I go up to my room and change into my favorite bikini. Hot pink with the top covered in fringe. It gives me the worst tan lines, but it's worth it. I grab my sunglasses as well. White raybans. I run back downstairs to find the guys already in the pool in nothing but their boxers. I guess none of them thought to bring swim trunks, but it's not like I haven't seen them all half naked before.

I sit down on the side of the pool, putting my feet in and splashing around. The guys are currently taking turns diving. Ash goes first and nails his landing. Then goes Calum. While I'm busy watching Calum, I don't notice Ash swimming up to my legs. He grabs my leg and pulls me into the pool. I scream with laughter the whole way down. Once I resurface, I notice my subclasses are gone. I look around and notice them at the bottom of the deep end of our pool.

"Awe, Ash, those are my favorite sunglasses," I whine.

"I'll get them," Luke volunteers.

Luke dives into the pool swimming deeper and deeper. He comes back up with my sunglasses in hand.

"Here you go, Brit," he says handing them to me.

My hand grazes his when I take them, and I feel my breath catch.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Yeah, of course," I respond.

"Good," he says smiling warmly.

"Thanks," I say giving him a quick hug that warms me through all the way. Oh, how I wish I could tell him how I feel.

The rest of the day consists of the guys acting like their usual selves. Meaning like idiots. Once they leave, I go up to my room, and I change into my pajamas. I climb into to bed humming 'Beside You' until I fall asleep and hope to see Luke once again in my dreams.

Okay! So that's the official first chapter! I loved writing this, and I hope you love it just as much as I do! Can't you just feel the chemistry between Luke and Britain? Keep reading to see what happened to these two next!

-w <3

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