Facing Him

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Britain's POV

"Are you sure this is going to work, Luke?" I said, turning around and eyeing him.

He leaned up in between Calum and I in the front seat. "Yes, babe. And remember, I'll be next door in Starbucks if you need me," he said, using one of his many nicknames for me. Babe was my favorite, and it made my heart melt each time he called me that.

We were driving to this burger place called Joey's. Cal had called Ashton this morning to see if he wanted to meet him somewhere, and luckily Ash had said yes and suggested this place. I had been here a few times with Hannah, and it was pretty good. Also, there was a Starbucks a few doors down, so that was a good hideout for Luke.

We parked on the street, already seeing Ash's car across the road. Luke opened the door for me, and pulled my waist against his body. He leaned down so our noses were almost touching, and whispered, "This is going to work, I promise. I have faith in you babe," and quickly pecked my lips, sending a spark through my body. Before I knew it, he was walking to Starbucks.

"Are you ready, Short Stuff?" Cal called from the door of Joey's. "As ready as I'll ever be," I reply, jogging to get to the door.

We walk in and the bells jingle. I look around, and see Ashton sitting in a corner booth. I try to let Calum conceal me, but it doesn't last long. I watch as my best friend's face goes from content to anguish. I already feel the tears welling in my eyes.

"Hey, mate! I decided to bring along a mutual friend to lunch," Calum joked. Ashton had a grimace on his face as I slid in the booth.

"What does she want?" Ash spit at Calum, cutting his eyes at me. Oh no.

"Mate, she loves you. You're her best friend, and she doesn't want to lose you over something she doesn't even fucking know about!" Calum exclaimed. Ash's breath caught when the first sentence was spoken.

Ashton looked Cal straight in the face. "You don't know anything either," he replied in a broken voice.

"Why don't I get a say in any of this! Ashton Irwin, why are you so freaking pissed at me! I don't even know what I did, and all of a sudden, you cut me off! You act like I murdered someone, and all I did was get a boyfriend. A boyfriend that likes me and treats me well. You're my best freaking friend! You should be happy for me, not pushing me away. Just tell me what the fuck is wrong with you!" I finally explode, angry tears rolling down my face. Calum and Ash both looked stunned with my explosion.

"Brit, I can't tell you what's wrong. You know I care about you, and I really am happy for you and Luke. You did nothing wrong. It's all me," Ashton replied, his voice hoarse.

This explanation made me even madder. "You know what? If you think I don't deserve to know why you won't return my calls or texts, I'm not going to even try anymore. Goodbye, Ashton," I say, trying to slide past Calum. I feel a strong grip above my elbow, and I turn around. Ashton has tears rolling down his face.

"Britain, please. You have to believe me. It's me. I'm trying, but it's so hard. I want to tell you so badly, but neither of us are ready. You don't know how bad I miss you, and it's only been two days. You're my best friend. I don't want you to leave me," he confessed, his voice broken and tears streaming from his beautiful hazel eyes. My heart broke, right then and there.

"Well, Ash, I have to know something. Is it Luke? Is it because I'm dating? Are you scared I'm not going to have time for you anymore?" I asked, trying to get just the tiniest scrap of information.

His face scrunched up. "No, it's nothing like that. I'm so glad that you're happy. I wish I could tell you, but I just can't at the moment. I promise that I'll tell you at some point," he replied, a few stray tears under his eyes.

I grabbed his hand. "Ash, you know I love you. But I can't keep this up. If you can't tell me, I don't know what to do," I said, still trying to get my point across.

He put both his hands on top of mine. "I know, Brit. I seriously would love you to know. But, at this time, I just can't. It won't do either of us any good," he pushed.

That was it. "Okay, then. When you're ready to tell me, I'll be ready to be your best friend again. But for now, I'm done. I can't do anything for you until you take down this wall you've built. Until you're ready to tear it down, I can't talk to you. I can feel that you're holding back, and frankly, I'm tired of your shit. So when you're over this, you can come talk to me," I reply, Calum finally letting me out of this claustrophobic booth.

I quickly run out of the store, making my way through the crowded sidewalk, tears burning my eyes. I finally get to Starbucks, and see Luke sitting near the window, on his phone. I walk over and sit in front of him.

"How did it go, babe?" he said, concerned.

"Not good. He won't tell me what pissed him off. And I told him I was done, and he could be my best friend again when he decided what to do," I told him, crying already. He scoots his chair over and rubs my shoulders.

"He doesn't deserve you. You are so much better, and he's missing out not telling you, Brit Brit," Luke cooed, trying to calm me.

"Do you know?" I asked.

"Do I know what babe?" he questioned, still patting me.

"Why he won't tell me what is going on?" I finally managed to choke out.

"No, babe. I don't know why he won't tell you. But I do know something. He's going to finally realize how he can't survive without his best friend," he said, which made more tears fall.

"I wish he would decide soon. I don't know how much longer I can hold myself together," I cried.

"That's what I'm here for, babe. To hold you. I'm never going to leave," he said, kissing me on the cheek.

"I'm not leaving anytime soon, either. What would I do without you?" I sobbed.

"More like I don't know what I'd do without you, Britain," he amended my statement. I smiled up at his face, and lightly kissed him.

"You're the best thing to ever come into my life," I said into the kiss, and he smiled.

"Babe, you don't even know." Luke said, my heart wanting to burst out of my chest.

Late night chapter update :) I'm so proud of our 600 reads! Keep reading and voting and leaving feedback! We love you so much. I never thoight this would get this far. We love you!

-C :)

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