Just Saying, Jake

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Luke's POV
I stood backstage at a small restaurant in Sydney, pacing back and forth, trying to get rid of my nerves. I knew Britain was in the audience, probably with her new boyfriend, Jake. I hated the guy, and I knew immediately that he was a douchebag. I had no idea what she saw in him, but I had given her no hints about my feelings towards her.

I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that there just wasn't something right about him. The way he looked at her wasn't loving or affectionate, it was, in the best way, hungry. I never heard him compliment her. I never said anything to her about it though, because I simply didn't know if any of my suspicions were true.

"Guys, you are on in five," the stage manager called,waving us forward. I took a few deep breaths and walked onto the stage. I tried finding a familiar face in the crowd, and my eyes soon met with bright blue ones that I knew all too well. I adored those eyes and found comfort in them all the time. The crowd erupted in cheers, even though it was small. I smiled, finding comfort in the audience already liking us.

"Hello, Sydney! We decided to open with a new song, and it's called Just Saying," I said into the microphone, scanning the crowd again. They applauded and screamed, and we started singing.

"You got a boyfriend,
and he's a total loser.
all your friends tell you that he's got not future,
but they like me,
just saying.
He barely takes you out,
if he does he's late,
and when the check comes he always makes you pay,
I'd never do that,
just saying.

You should leave him,
cause it really makes me sick,
just saying,
just saying.
you don't need him,
I'll help you get over it,
just saying,
just saying.
When you change your mind I'll be waiting,
'cause i'm better than him,
just saying.
when you change your mind I'll be waiting,
just saying,
just saying.

Got a big house says he lives alone,
but when I drove by I could see his mom was home.
I got my own place,
just saying,
just saying.

He says he loves you,
but it's all an act.
he's seeing someone else right behind your back,
you know i'd never do that,
just saying.

You should leave him,
cause it really makes me sick,
just saying,
just saying.
you don't need him,
i'll help you get over it,
just saying,
just saying.
When you change your mind I'll be waiting,
'cause i'm better than him,
just saying.
when you change your mind I'll be waiting,
just saying,
just saying.

You should leave him,
cause it really makes me sick,
just saying,
just saying.
you don't need him,
I'll help you get over it,
just saying,
just saying.
When you change your mind I'll be waiting,
'cause i'm better than him,
just saying.
when you change your mind I'll be waiting,
just saying,
just saying." We finished, and hopefully no one would ask who we wrote it about, because she was standing in the front row.

Tonight, it seemed, would not be my night. A younger girl a few rows from the front called out and screamed, "Who did you write this about?"

I sighed, "It's about a girl we all know very well. I wrote it, along with the help of these guys." I tried not to meet Brit's gaze, but it was hard.

In some ways I wanted her to know I wrote this song about her and Jake, but I knew better than to wish that.
For some reason, my dream that night had been about one of our first concerts in Sydney. I woke and got up before the other guys and hopped in the shower. We had soundcheck pretty early this morning, and I hoped that the sooner we got there and got it over with I could explore.

I did my hair and by the time I was dressed, the other guys were up and getting ready for the day. Luckily, we were running earlier than expected, so we called a cab to the venue. Mr.Glickman and Rachel were already there, and I rolled my eyes at how Rachel's face turned into a smirk when she saw me. I knew she had a plan up her sleeve, and I was already trying to find a defense for it.

"Aww, good morning Lukey!" She screamed when she saw me. She tried to give me a hug and I side stepped so she ended up giving Calum a hug.

"Please don't call me that," I told her in a fake nice voice. She just smiled at me and opened her mouth to ask me another question, probably about Brit, but her father interrupted her.

"Okay, boys, I have the set-list ready and it says 'surprise' at the end, is this correct?" Calum, Michael, and I nodded, and we realized Ashton was in the dark about this, but I wasn't about to fill him in.

We quickly ran through soundcheck, and I walked a couple blocks near the venue. I felt a presence beside me, and I saw no one other than Rachel. "Hey, Luke. Have you talked to your girlfriend, oh, what was her name, Bethany? Britney? No, Billy!" she said, knowing she was wrong and wanting to get under my skin.

"Her name is Britain, and yes, I have talked to her."

Her smile faltered. It didn't last long, though. She slid her finger tips up and down my arms, and I tried walking ahead of her, but she caught up and knew the area better than me. "You know, Hemmings, I could probably treat you better and give you much more than that girlfriend of yours can."

I just stared at her. Did she really think acting this way would get her a guy, especially a guy who was already in a relationship? "Um, sorry Rachel, but I have a girlfriend and I'm in love with her. So if you wouldn't mind, go chase Michael or Calum," I said, before walking, almost jogging, back to the venue. The concert would start soon, anyway.

For it to be the first night in a new country, we had a pretty big turnout at the concert. There were about a hundred people in the venue, but it wasn't jam packed. The audience was lively and participated. We sang our usual set-list, and then I added the "surprise" at the end.

"So guys, we have one more song for all of you tonight. If you do know a little more about us and follow us on twitter, you know that I have a beautiful girlfriend named Britain," I started, before someone cut me off my screaming, "Tell her I think you two are the cutest couple and that you're my OTP!" which makes the band and the crowd laugh.

"To finish what I was saying, I have a beautiful girlfriend named Britain. I love her a lot, and I want to dedicate a song to her. If you have a phone, which I'm sure most of you do, please record this and tweet it to her so she'll see it, and maybe attach a nice message to it. Her twitter is on mine, which is @Luke5SOS." I finished, and Ash and Calum started the beat to Disconnected. I sang it, putting all my frustration from earlier with Rachel into my love for Brit.

We finished, and we bid the crowd good night. I was high off the energy of the audience, and I knew I would always love playing shows live. Hopefully in the future, the love of my life would be following me.

a/n: so I hope you like this horrible filler
this chapter sucks omg
but anyway, we're almost at 13k!! omg, I can't believe so many people have read this omg
remember to keep commenting thoughts about Jake and Luke and Brit and just everybody. and always vote if you like a chapter!
next update: next Friday :)
love, c

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