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Luke's POV

I can see red in my vision, along with Ashton and Britain outside. They're standing at least a foot away from each other. Brit's face soaked with tears. Why did she keep doing this? Ever since Ash did this, I was always the one comforting her. And then he comes running in her professing his love, she acts like he's the only person in the world. And I was sick of it. Brit had told me she liked me, she cared for me, she held affection for me. So what was going on with this?

Out of the corner of my scarlet vision, I see Brit walk into Ash's arms for an embrace. My fists clenched. I kept my eyes on him, and he's looking straight into her eyes. Those beautiful eyes that could save the world. I can tell what he's feeling. He wants to kiss her, and he does. Brit's back is to me, so I can't see her reaction. He pulled away quickly, and ran to his car and drove off. She turned around, stunned. She looks at me and mouths, I don't know what just happened. I just shrugged and looked away.

I loved her so much, and she was hurting me. And I was about to fix what was hurting both of us.


Frantically, I walked out of Starbucks and embraced Brit. She quickly put her arms around me and sighed. "Lukey, I felt nothing when Ash did that. Please know that," she whimpered into my shirt. I knew she was telling the truth, so I kissed the top of her head.

"I know, babe. But I'm going to walk around so I don't punch a wall," I laughed, and pulled away. Britain smiled at me. That smile could make all the world happy.

"I'll miss you," she whispered, and stood on her tiptoes and quickly pecked me on the lips. "I'll get a ride home from Cal," she finished, and walked back into Joey's. I heaved, and stuck my hands into the pockets of my black jeans.

I knew what I was about to do might hurt all of us, but it would mend us too.


I walked, almost hustled, down the empty sidewalk. Ash's house wasn't far from Joey's, so I decided to make the trek there to sort this sh*t out. In no time at all, I stood on the porch of his house. I rang the doorbell, already feeling the anger rising. Mrs.Irwin answered the door, and after a few pleasantries, she said that Ash was in his room. My leg took the steps quickly, and I banged on his door.

"Come in," he said, unaware of who was behind the door.

I slowly stepped into the cave, not knowing if I could make it without punching him. "Oh, it's Hemmings," he grumbled, lying on his back, throwing a drum stick up in the air and catching it.

"Mate! What the fuck just happened!" I whisper-yelled, making sure his siblings and mother couldn't hear.

"What? Obviously, she didn't mind it, or you two would be acting like lovesick puppies right now!" Ash exclaimed, feeling very proud of what happened earlier.

"I told her not to come! Because you want to know who her boyfriend is? Me! You feel so fucking happy about something that you shouldn't! You kissed another guy's girlfriend! And that guy is one of your best friends! So you should just shut the hell up and go screw up someone else's relationship!" I yelled, finally losing it. I slammed my fist into the door, doing more damage to my knuckles than the wood.

Ashton looked positively stunned. He slowly rose from his bed, and stood a few mere inches from me. "I kissed her, and I know I felt something there. Maybe she didn't, but I for sure did. I love her, and I sure as hell know you don't give a shit about her," he growled, but I wasn't scared. The only thing that happened was that I felt a huge flash of rage in my chest and my vision black out.

"Don't you say a damn thing about me, Irwin. I love her so much, it hurts. Every time you've hurt her, I'm the one holding her. She comes to me now. If I didn't care about her, I wouldn't be drying her tears that are caused by her supposed best friend. If I didn't have her, I wouldn't have a purpose to live," I whispered, putting my face in Ash's.

He wore a snarl on his face. "Hemmings, you don't know a thing about love. You have no idea how long I've loved Brit, so I would just shut the fuck up," Ashton grumbled, pushing me away from him.

My fists clenched again. I wouldn't hit him; it would hurt Britain too much. That was the only thing I wanted to do. But I decided I should just be the better person and keep the physical contact low.

"Mate, I'm tired of it. Ever since Brit and I started dating, you've been nothing but a dick. You're her best friend, you should be happy for us! Not trying to make us break up! I love her, and I'm not giving her up unless she wants to leave! And based on what we've discussed, it's not going to happen anytime soon! So stop trying to mess up our fucking relationship!" I exclaimed, exasperated and angry. I turned and opened the door, and I felt a strong grip on my upper arm.

"This isn't over, Hemmings," he said, his voice hoarse.

"Didn't think so, Irwin," I replied, my voice cracking.


I raced out of the house, barely saying goodbye to Ash's mother. I was digging deep to try to figure out how to share my love for Britain, but nothing was coming to me. I strolled down the sidewalk, once I was 300 feet away from his house.

All I knew is that I wanted Brit to know how I truly felt. Soon, my mind unclouded and an idea formed. I grabbed my phone from my pocket, and texted Cal and Michael my plans.

After tomorrow, she, and everyone else, would know I loved Britain Elizabeth Clifford.

A/N: thank you guys so much for 1k reads and a hundred votes! W and I couldn't be happier. :) I hope you love this mad Ash/Luke chapter. Mad Ash chapters are always my fave. <3 comment if you like mad Ash or mad Luke better because for me it's Ash. ;) remember to keep spreading the word about twisted and torn!

Okay guys, just an fyi. This fanfic is a partial au. There is still a band, but they're not very popular or successful. They didn't go on tour with one direction, they don't have millions of twitter followers, and they don't have a ton of eps. They only have their unsuccessful album they barely got released. That's why they can go out in public and not get mobbed and stuff like that. The fans they do have love them very much and support them in everything they do. :)


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