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Britain's POV

His golden hair, his angelic voice, his dimples. The way he laughs when I'm being silly, the way he hugs me when he's sad, the way he always wants to protect me. These are just a few things that I love about Luke Hemmings. But the most important thing I love about him is that fact that I know he is mine, and loves me just as much as I love him.

The dorky way he looked in his glasses, his contagious laugh, his selflessness. He was always there for me as I was for him. He had seen me at my worst and loved me nonetheless. He could play his drums better than anyone I had ever heard. The way the he could always make me laugh when I was not in the mood to do anything but sulk.

Ashton Irwin was my best friend, but when he kissed me, everything changed. Thoughts kept ringing through my mind.

What did that kiss mean to me?

Did I enjoy it?

Did I really see Ash as just a best friend?

Was he more?

Were we more?

Did I love him?

The last question seemed to be the one I thought about the most. Ash was my best friend, right? I mean I never thought of him as more. Or did I?

I thought back to my favorite memories. I had billions, and most were with Ash. I think hard about it now. The little pet names, the long than normal hugs, the constant staring, the random compliments. It was all there, in plain sight no less. I can't believe I never saw it before. Ash put on his neck on the line just so I would see it. I feel like a complete idiot for not seeing it.

One thing I did know for sure was, Ashton Fletcher Irwin was head over heels in love with me.


Luke stormed off after I walked back into the Starbucks. I couldn't help but feel hurt and alone. He left me when I really needed him. Who else could I talk to? I couldn't tell Ash, obviously. Or Michael, and I don't know where Luke just ran off to. This left me with Cal. I hope he was still at Joey's.

I leave Starbucks ignoring the stares I was still receiving. I walk back to Joey's. I walk in and look at the booth I was inhabiting just a few moments before. I see the familiar dark hair of my favorite not Asian.

I walk up to the booth, and I see Cal has a sad and forlorn look on his face.

"Cal? Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yes, I-I'm fine," he sniffles.

"Can I sit?" I ask pointing to other side of the booth.

We sit in an awkward silence for what feels like forever. I can't take it anymore.

"Did you know that Ashton lov-liked me?" I ask desperately.

Cal's cheeks immediately flush. He looks once at me and then at the table. He leaves his eyes there.

"Um, yes, kind of," he murmurs.

This hits me like a ton of bricks. He could he know and not tell me? I thought we were friends.

"How long have you known?" I whisper.

"Since your party. He wanted to sing to you at your party. He was going to tell you. He really was, but Luke beat him to it. He confided in me, and I didn't want to out him. I'm so sorry, Brit. I didn't want to keep it from you. I promise," he rambled.

My eyes water. Ashton was going to tell me he loved me. He wanted to, but I never gave him a chance. I feel terrible.

"Oh my gosh, Cal. I can't believe he wanted to tell me. I never really have him a chance, did I?" I ask tears falling over.

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