Making Plans

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Ashton's POV

The guys were all murmuring about Britain's birthday plans, and I was just thinking about the song I was going to sing for her. What to sing? Do I sing a song that she loves, or one that expresses my feelings? The more I thought about I realized that Jump by Shane Harper would fit my situation perfectly. Now the problem was, I needed a guitar player. Luke and Michael are the ones who play, but I can't go to them for obvious reasons. I can't go to Luke because of his feelings for Britain. I can't go to Michael because he's her brother.

"Hey, boys!" Britain's voice calls out cheerily.

"Hey, sweetheart," I said in return.

I've always given Brit little nick names throughout our friendship. Only recently did I realize that that was my way of showing her how I felt, but she never picked up on it.

"Mikey said you wanted to talk to me about my party?" she asked.

"Yeah!" Cal said, " we were thinking that we could sing at your party. You're like our number one fan, and the only we could repay that is to sing for you."

"Really? I was going to ask if you guys could do that! Thank you so much!" she yelled throwing her arms around Cal's neck pulling him into a hug. He was stunned but then returned the hug.

"It's no problem lil sis," Michael said smiling.

"We just want to see you have a great party and be happy," I said smiling.

"What Ash said. You mean a lot to me-- ugh all of us. The least we could do is give you a memorable party," he stuttered.

Did he really just say that? He knows I like her. I can't believe him.

"So! What would you like us to sing madam?" Cal said jokingly.

"Oh! I don't know. I love all of the songs you guys have written. I love Mrs All American, but Social Causality is great too. Oh but then there's Heartbreak Girl..."

Britain keeps rambling on and I can't help but think she looks amazing today even though she's just in a sweatshirt and jeans, but the way I see it, a girl is always more beautiful when she isn't made up with makeup or dressed in her cutest clothes. It's when she's a 'mess' that she looks the most beautiful. That's when you can see the real her.

"I know! You guys can sing End Up Here! I love that song the most!" she decided laughing.

Her laugh was beautiful.

"Okay! Now let us practice! We only have a week til your birthday. Get out!" Michael said laughing.

"Okay. Okay. I'll go, but thank you, guys! I love you guys so much!" She said smiling the most amazing smile.

"Bye sis," Michael said getting up to hug her.

They hug and give each other that sibling look they always give each other, then he kisses her on the head and shoos her out of the garage. She scurries out and closes the door.

Once she leaves, I make eye contact with Cal and jerk my head to the corner signaling to him that we needed to talk. He caught my memo. I walk over to the corner pretending to fix one of the amps.

"Hey, man. What's up?" he asks.

"I figured out which song to sing to her, and I need a guitar player. Problem is, I can't get Luke or Michael to do it. We both know Luke likes her just as much as I do, and Michael doesn't know I like her. Should I tell Michael? What should I do, man?" I ask helplessly.

"I think you should tell him. I doubt he'll do anything. We're all like brothers. I don't think he'll be mad. He might even be happy that it's you and not some other guy," Cal said hopefully.

"Yeah, you may be right," I said thoughtfully.

He gave me a reassuring pat on the back. I walk away and go stand in front of Michael.

"Hey, dude, can I talk to you for a minute?" I say nervously.

"Sure," he said following me back to the spot I just left.

"What's going on, man? Everything alright?"

"Yeah. Of course. I just to ask your opinion on something."

"Go ahead."

"Well you know that I'm Britain's best friend, but I have a little more than a best friend feeling for her. Truth is, I like her, Michael. She's a beautiful girl, and I would love to sing her a song at her party. I have one in mind, but I need a guitar player. I know it would mean more to her if you played with me."

He stands there in thought for a moment before smiling and clapping me on the back which startled me, so I jumped. He laughed at that.

"Man! I'm glad you finally said it! I noticed how you look at her. You just melt at the sight at my sister which honestly makes me cringe, but I can see that you care. I approve, man."

A weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I can't believe I worried about this.

"So will you play for me?"

"Of course I will!"

We give each other a quick bro hug and walk back to join Calum and Luke. My surprise for Britain is forming nicely. I smile. I hope she loves it.

We have practice, and it's one of the best ones in my opinion. Maybe it's because our band is getting better and better as time goes on. Or maybe it's because I'm high off thoughts of the most beautiful girl in the world. She's the light at the end of my dark tunnel.

This chapter was great to write. I love writing for you guys! We're getting closer and closer to 100 reads! Spread the word to the other fanatics! Help us get to 100 reads! Thank you all so much! It means to world to us that you're reading!


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