Thought Processes

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Britain's POV (The One spoilers!)

The sound of grunting and springs jingling woke me from my dreamless sleep. My eyes opened wide and I quickly tossed the covers off of me and ran to my brother's door.

"GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER MICHAEL GORDON CLIFFORD!" I slammed the palm of my hand on his door while screaming. I then leisurely walked back to my room.

After that fiasco, I knew today was going to be a lazy day. One of those days where I listen to music or read or let myself dream about my fairytale prince. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew he would never care for me the same way, but a girl could at least daydream right?

I changed from the big tshirt I slept in to some black yoga pants and a new big tshirt. I grabbed my favorite book, The One, my iPod, and my iPhone. I put my iPod on shuffle and delve into my book, but my thoughts were astray today. I should've known this would happen. It was only so long until almost all my thoughts revolved around the tall, gorgeous, amazing blonde boy.

I tuned back into my music, which was playing Falling Slowly from the musical Once. "Take this sinking boat, and point it home, we've still got time...Falling slowly, eyes that know me."

This song related to me so much. I fell slowly for the mysterious boy. First, for his beautiful smile. His true smile was dazzling. It only came out when he was elated, which wasn't much. He would grin big and wide and all his bright white teeth would shine. The way his lip ring accented his face was breathtaking, and that was an understatement. His dimples were adorable, and they were so big, I swear, you could almost eat cereal out of those babies.

His voice. I could go on for days about it. How it could be deep but also beautifully high. The way he was shy when he first started speaking but then go to the perfect pitch and level. And when he sang. Gosh, could he sing. I could listen to him hit those notes in the songs he and his band wrote all the time. All day and all night. His voice was melodic, soothing, and just refreshing.

His personality, He was so shy when I first met him, and now he is so much more confident now. He was bubbly, being able to get along with anyone he came in contact with. Charming, too. I could see how girls would almost faint if he said anything to them. He was awkward, but the cute awkward that made him that much more admirable.

The song ended, and I sighed happily. Hopefully no one would ever hear or learn about my thoughts, unless he actually shared my affection. I picked up my book, excited to read about someone else's love story. Maxon and America's love made me feel warm inside. I always wished something like this would happen to me, excluding the prince part. Maxon had always been my favorite fictional character. The way he loved America with all his heart and soul was the best thing I had ever read. I yearned for a boy to love me like that, and I had a certain boy in mind.

I had come to, personally, the best part in The One. Maxon had just been shot by the rebels, and America was kneeling next to him, crying.

"Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway," I read, silent tears rolling down my face. No matter how many times I read that quote, the sentimental value of it always made me tear up. I feel like if a boy loves you enough to let you go, or to die for you, that's what mattered. And that's exactly how Maxon felt. He loved America so much that he was willing to die for her to live a long and happy life.

I sometimes compared him to Maxon. I felt that if he loved any girl, if it was me or another lucky girl, he would love them enough that he was willing to risk his safety and happiness so they would be happy. The two boys were a lot alike. Both were charming, loving, smart, and beautiful, inside and out.

And his name was Luke Hemmings.

Soon, 22 by Taylor Swift started playing. I jumped up and started dancing and singing. I was crazy, free, confused and lonely. The song started talking about friends, and I thought about Ash. He was seriously the sweetest, most gentle, and one of the funniest people I knew. I loved him more than I loved my brother. Ash always made me feel better and could make the best out of any situation. We had been friends since I was in 3rd grade and he was in 4th. We had had recess together and he had pushed me on the swing. Then after that, we had become best friends. He had warded off bullies and done everything a big brother would do.

He had never let me down, and we rarely had fought. When we did, we got over it in no time and made up. Ash was just so easy to get along with. He was actually more charming than Luke, but also in a different way. Everyone swooned around Luke, but everyone fell in love with Ashton when they met him, in either a friendly or romantic way. Girls fell over him more than they did over Luke, and Ash always let them down easy.

He had dated a couple girls, like I had dated a couple guys, but never anything serious. We both wanted to finish school before we got romantically involved with anyone. Obviously, that had changed with me.

A harsh knock on my door tore me from my thoughts. "Hey! Brit! The boys are downstairs, and they want to talk to you about your birthday that's coming up!" Mikey yelled at me through the door.

Crap! I had forgotten all about my birthday in two weeks. "Okay! I'll be down in ten!" I said back, deciding to look somewhat prepared for the day since now it was almost two in the afternoon, plus I hadn't eaten anything. I put on a thin, dark purple sweatshirt and a pair of light wash cropped jeans and purple Vans. Throwing my hair in a side French braid, I ran down my steps, smiling to myself dor having the best friends in the world.

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