Puppy Love

222 13 1

Luke's POV

"Calum, I am the man with a plan," I stated, sitting in the passenger seat of Cal's car. He gave me a look, and I started laughing. We were on our way to the pet store, much to Calum's excitement.

"So, what exactly are we doing?" Cal asked, him never really knowing what's going on.

"For the third time, I'm getting Brit a puppy! She's always wanted one, and I know she's going to want company while we are all on tour," I explained, getting frustrated. Cal threw his hands up in defeat, then quickly put them back on the wheel.

The one thing I didn't tell Cal was the reason Brit had never gotten a puppy before. He was the only member of the band who didn't know the reason Michael and Brit lived alone in a huge house. The Clifford parents didn't support Michael in his decision to pursue music instead of going to university, so they decided to let Mikey figure it out himself. They gave him the house and decided to move into an apartment. Britain originally lived with her parents, but the apartment was small and could barely house their parents, much less a teenage daughter. Brit made the decision to move in with Michael, and they have lived in that house alone for two years now. Both Clifford parents were allergic to dogs, so they never had a childhood pet.

"Okay! Since I'm the puppy expert, I'm here to help, right?" Calum asked, already knowing the answer. I nodded, and turned up the radio. We spent the rest of the ride in silence, Cal probably thinking about what puppies were going to be at the pet store. I shook my head at the thought.

He parked on the street right outside of the pet store. I really had no clue about what dog to buy, so I was thankful that Cal was with me. The door barked as we opened it, and I rolled my eyes. Calum immediately ran over to the puppies in cages and started petting them through the holes in the kennel. I laughed and walked over to join him. He opened one of the cages and pulled out a Golden Retriever puppy. I had to admit, it was definitely one of cutest things I had ever seen.

Calum handed the puppy to me, and I quickly held it. The puppy leaned up and licked my cheek. Calum took it back and we continued to look. The Dachshund, Pomeranian, nor Dalmatian stuck with me like the Golden Retriever did. We looked at mutts as well, but those didn't stick either. We finally made it back to the Golden Retriever (Calum took the plunge and found out it was a boy) and I took it out of the kennel. It licked my arm this time, and I knew this was the puppy for Brit. I loved it immediately.

Cal held the puppy while I searched through the store for food, leashes and collars, and toys. I decided on a purple leash and collar, knowing it was Brit's favorite color and that it could work for a boy. I also got a bunch of toys, not really knowing what I was getting. I bought plenty of food, hoping Brit wouldn't have to buy any while I was gone.

I found my way back to Calum, and he was literally cuddling with the puppy. I laughed, and he quickly held the dog away from his face. "Did you notice the little guy's fur is the same color as your hair?" he cooed, ruffling the puppy's fur. I actually hadn't, but I noticed the puppy had almost the same shade of blonde fur as my hair. That made me think that Britain would love the puppy that much more because of it.

The check out process took longer than going through the entire store did. I had papers to fill out, which took forever. I actually didn't put a name for the puppy yet, because I wanted Brit to name it. While I filled them out, Cal cuddled with the puppy even more. I was beginning to think he was going to love this puppy more than Brit and I would combined.

Calum cuddled with the puppy all the way out of the door and until we got to his car.
I had remembered to bring a purple ribbon I had found at home to tie around the puppy's neck. I thought I had done a pretty good job with a bow, but I knew some people would disagree. Cal dropped me off at Brit's house, but not before giving the puppy a quick hug. I carried the puppy to the front door, and held it behind my back before I rang the doorbell. Britain opened the door, cocking her head to the side and flashing me her crooked smile. She had on a pair of Nike shorts and a simple tshirt with no shoes on. "Hey, Lukey. I didn't know you were going to come by," she said.

"Hey, babe. Yeah, I didn't tell you for a reason. I actually have a surprise for you," I replied, still grasping the dog behind my back. Her eyes grew wide, giving me a questioning look. I smiled before bringing the puppy from behind my back to hand to her. She looked at the dog, her eyes growing even wider.

"Oh, Luke," she said, grabbing the dog and cuddling it to her face. "But why did you buy me a dog?" she asked, petting the puppy.

"Well, you've always wanted one. Also, your best friends, plus boyfriend, are leaving for two weeks and I thought you might want some company," I answered. Before she could say anything else, I said, "What do you want to call this little cutie? It's a boy."

Brit studied the dog's face, almost like the name would come out of the puppy's mouth. "Kristoff!" she exclaimed after a few more moments. "He has the same color hair as you," she said, pulling me and Kristoff into a hug. I pulled her as close to me as possible without the dog being suffocated.

I let her go, and I grabbed the rest of the stuff as she lead me into the house. "Hey Mikey! Come see what Luke gave me!" she called, and Mikey came running it of the kitchen.

"Don't tell me he gave you an STD," he replied. I laughed while Brit gave him a sour look. She held up the puppy. "His name is Kristoff. Don't you think he's the cutest thing ever," she said, cradling him to her chest.

"Cutest thing besides me," I amended, and she quickly pecked me on the cheek.

"Okay, cutest thing besides you, Lukey," she replied while setting Kristoff on the ground. He stumbled around on his little legs, not always able to keep his balance. I laced my arm around Brit's waist. She looked up at me and I quickly leaned down and kissed her.

"Eww, you two are grossing me out. You two should just get married. Lovesick couple my ass, both of you are attached at the hip most of the time now," Michael said, shaking his head as he walked back into the kitchen.

"I love you," Brit told me, looking up at me. I kissed her again, making this one last a little longer.

"I love you too, Brit Brit."
We spent the rest of the day playing with Kristoff. The pet store had house trained him, so he would go whimper at the door when he needed to go to the bathroom. Brit tried to teach him to sit, but he was still young and didn't even really know his name yet. By the end of the day, he knew his name and knew which toys were his.

"Luke, you know you didn't have to get me a present, right?" Brit told me later that night. It wasn't late and we were still in her living room playing with Kristoff.

"Yeah, babe, I know," I replied. The purple bow was still around his neck, but the bow I thought was so good was no longer as perfect. It was lopsided and barely still held the shape of a bow. She reached for it and untied the bow from around him.

"You were the best present I could ever get. You are a blessing. From that moment you sang to me at my party, you were a gift to me," she stated, lightly tying the bow around my neck. She attached her lips to mine, and I cupped her face with my hands. She broke away, and I looked at her. Brit was mine, and in my eyes, she was perfect.

"You're the best thing to happen to me," I replied, grabbing her hands. I always felt the need to touch her. I never wanted to lose connection to her.

"I love you so much, Lukey," she told me, looking me in the eye.

"Babe, I love you too," I said back, kissing her hand.

She giggled as she thought about something. "We're like a family now," she thought aloud.

"Yeah, one big, happy, blonde family," I agreed.

A/N : can I please just be Britain please k thanks
and this is a psa: luke has come up with a new nickname for Brit in the next few chapters and so help me if you say it's copying 24 hours I will find you and burn your house down. it's completely different okay
okay, goals for update: 1k votes, 135 comments, or 9k reads. we can do it, I know! remember to tell your friends and spread the word! we want as many people to enjoy this as possible! post on Instagram, twitter, or tumblr or any social media about twisted and torn! we love you all!
-c :)

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