1| New Job

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You wake up at 6am because you have a job to go to. You check your phone.
T: You're staying at mine tonight okay!
You: Okay. I'll be home around 8, I have work.
T: Fine just bring me a case of beer!
You: Okay

You sigh and shake your head. You can't do anything about it. You can't tell Stacie or Hannah, but stop. You have to go to work. You quit your old office job for another boring office job.
You stumble into the bathroom and put your hands on the side of the sink. You look into the mirror and turn your head slightly. You see a bruise from Tyler. He hit you.
A small tear trails down your face, you quickly wipe it and push yourself off the sink to brush your teeth. You apply your make up making sure to cover your bruise.
There's a knock at the door.
You: "Come in"
Stacie walks through the door looks around and notices your in the bathroom
Stacie: "You know one day I'll cook for the Queen"
You chuckle
You: "Oh yeah?"
Stacie: "You have a job finally"
You: "Yeah but it's a boring office job"
You apply your eyeliner
You: "Can you get my white blouse and my trousers please?"
She nods and walks to your wardrobe. She passes your outfit and walks back into your bedroom as you change.

You walk out and check the time

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You walk out and check the time. 7:13am.

Your POV:
Shit! I'm going to be late!
You: "I need to go! I start in 10 minutes and I can't be late"
Stacie: "Not on your first day no."
I leave the room and grab a protein bar on my way out.
You: "Bye Hannah"
Hannah: "Bye! Have fun!"

I wave to her as I leave and I run to my car. I'm hoping there is no traffic.
I arrive at my office just in time. I walk into the reception.

Receptionist: "Hello you must be Isabelle Jodi?"
You: "Yes, but please since we're working together call me Izzy"
Receptionist: "Very well. I'm Gisele"
You: "Great to be working with you"
You stick your hand out and offer to shake her hand. She complies.
Gisele: "Mr Alaksa's office is right there."
She points
Gisele: "Knock before entering he'll show you where."
You: "Thank you"
You walk towards his office and knock.
Mr Alaksa: "Come in"
You walk in and he smiles. He gestures his hand for you to sit down. You hesitate but agree.
Mr Alaksa: "Good morning"
You: "G-Good morning"
As you stutter your face goes red with embarrassment. Mr Alaksa noticed.
Mr Alaksa: "It's alright"
You: "Sorry, I have anxiety."
Mr Alaksa: "People call me Ryan around here. Come I'll show you to your office"
You smile and walk to a room next to Ryan's.
Ryan: "Here."
You: "Thank you."
Ryan smiles as he leaves and you sit down on your spiny chair. You take your laptop of your bag and make your desk nice.
Ryan walks back in and smiles

Ryan walks back in and smiles

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Ryan: "Wow you already set up! Amazing!"You jump as you don't notice him come in but you smile and sit back

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Ryan: "Wow you already set up! Amazing!"
You jump as you don't notice him come in but you smile and sit back.
Smile 🙂

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