9| Work

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I begin to organise my desk. Putting my favourite things on my desk. My OCD getting the better of me.

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As I finish I sigh and hear that same warm chuckle

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As I finish I sigh and hear that same warm chuckle. I look up. He's face. Staring right at me.

You: "What?"He chuckle again "You like to be organised I see" I smile looking at my side of the room

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You: "What?"
He chuckle again "You like to be organised I see" I smile looking at my side of the room. "Well I guess you could say that" I chuckle. "Makes me feel... I don't know comfortable?" He stands up and walks to me. I sit down and look up at him, because he's quite tall. "I see. Okay we have a meeting in an hour. You good with that?" I nod and give him a simple smile.

An hour goes by and I'm concentrated on my work. I hear a faint noise but block it out. "Izzy!" I look up instantly. My mouth gapes open a little... "I'm sorry." I give him an apologetic look. His face drops. He wasn't angry. "Don't be you we're so into your work. But we have a meeting."

We walk through the building towards a meeting room. We walk in and all eyes are on us. I freeze. Don't panic don't panic. I see Toms face, it's sad. He knows what's going on. He comes back over and leans down into my ear. "Don't be nervous now okay? You got this!" I nod. I take a deep breath and sigh. We walk together up the the front and I introduce myself.
"Hello, I'm Isabelle Jodi." I say hoping that they could understand, I speak quite quick and don't realise. I look at Tom whose stood next to me. He chuckles. He gestures to take a seat. There were two head seats. So he's already prepared.
I take a seat and listen to Tom speak. "Isabelle or if she allows you to Izzy, is now my working partner. We will both run this business together. And if you wonder why already, her work is extraordinary, I've seen it. It's done quick. It's done to an outstanding effort. She is out future!"
He looks at me and I blush. He obviously sees. I stand up and face everyone to talk. Tom looks at me confused but he takes a seat so I can talk. "You can all call me Izzy just saying. But I do suffer from social anxiety and really bad anxiety, but don't let that stop you from either coming to make friends or anything. But if I am let's say about have a panic attack, water and air, that can calm me down. I haven't had one worse than just water and air needed to calm me down. So yeah... I-I don't-"
I look at Tom again because I don't know what to say. He gestures to take a seat again and he stands up.
"Any questions?" He waits a minute before speaking again "Nope, okay dismissed!" All the employees scatter not in a hurry but a casual way. Me and Tom are stood in the room alone. I take in a shaky breath and let it out. I lean against the table. Toms face is confused. "Do you need water?" He asks casually. But I shake my head. He comes closer and pulls me into his chest. He's hugging me... I was about to burst into nervous tears but... I'm not. I'm calm...
He pulls away and looks at me "You good?" I nod smiling.

We get back to the office and I take a seat at my desk. "What we working on?" I ask curious. He sits back in his chair, interlocking his fingers and sighs. "Well currently we're at a pause until we can set up the system. I'll figure it out tomorrow but now we'll just idk chill? I guess. Get to know each other since we'll be working together" I smile in agreement.

Do you think Izzy will tell Tom about Tyler?

What will Tom say about himself?

Do you think Izzy will tell her old place where she works now?

Has she told her old place she's not coming back?

Stay Safe and Smile 😊

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