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They don't answer straight away and I see Tom looking at me. "Hello" they say. "Hi what can I do for you?" I say smiling at Tom. "Izzy? Isabelle Jodi. This is Ryan" they say. I scrunch up my face in mental pain. Shit! What do I say? "Uhm..." I respond not knowing what to say. Tom gets out on his chair and closer to my desk. "You could've told us you left. Or did you come to spy on us?" They remark. My eyes widen. I look at Tom and put the phone on speaker. "Sorry could you repeat that, I didn't quite catch what you said" I say. I look at Tom with a 'listen' gesture. "I said: you could've told us you left! Or did you come to spy on us?" I scrunch my face up again. "Ryan I'm sorry I didn't know how to tell you. But no I got this job a few days ago and I'm sorry. How did you find out?" I ask. I wait for a few seconds before the line went dead. I look up at Tom confused. He goes behind my chair and puts his arms around me. "It's okay" I lean my head into his body.
"This is probably too soon but, would you want to I don't know, go out with me, Friday night?" He asks. I look at him confused. But I smirk. "Sure" he smiles and goes to sit back down. I mentally scream in happiness.

I've been working for the past 12 hours and not even realised it. I check my phone, 8:39pm. I shake my head and yawn. I look past my computer to see Tom but he's not there. I can't see his head. He's tall so I should be able to see him. I get up and go round to his desk. As I reach his desk my heart melts. He's fast asleep, his head rests on his desk on top of one of his arms.
I stroke his hair until he stirs awake. "Hey Mr Sleepyhead" I chuckle. He groans but smiles at me. "Let's go home" I say to him. I decided that I was going to stay at his tonight because I don't want Stacie complaining to me about work, nor did I want Hannah complaining about work for Monday.
So he gets up and we walk out of the office. We both work quite hard so we deserve sleep. We walk to his car and he opens the door for me. Such a gentleman.
I message the group chat.


I: Staying at Tom's again
H: Ooooooo! Someone's getting dick tonight!!
S: Make sure you can walk!!
I: Fuck you guys! You guys won't be able to walk coz I know Alex and Liam are fucking you tonight!
S: Bitch shhhhhh 🤫🤫
I: Message you later idiots ❤️❤️
S: Bye ❤️❤️
H: Bye bitch ❤️❤️

I smile. I close my phone and look at Tom. "What?" I chuckle. "You, you're happy" he states. I bite my lip and look at him. I blush at him and look away. "Well..." I back at him. I put my hand on his shoulder. "You make everything better. If everyone was like you then, the world would be a better place. You're someone who's special" I look him in the eyes. My com puts a slight tear in his eye. He quickly wipes it and looks back at me. I realise we're at his house and I look back him. His hand gently attaches to my face. He caresses my cheek.
I get out and close my door. I hear the car lock and he comes behind me. His hand slides on my shoulder and I smirk. "Mr Hiddleston" I say flirty. He smirks.
As he opens the door Bobby comes and runs at me. I fall to my knees and begin to stroke him. I start to talk in my baby voice and I rub behind his ear. Tom chuckles as he walks down the hall.

Toms POV:
I walk into the dining room and see Izzy sat at the dining table with Bobby on her knee asleep and a book in her hand.
I stand and look at her. "What you reading?" I ask.

She closes the book slightly and looks at the cover, 'Come back for me' I smile

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She closes the book slightly and looks at the cover, 'Come back for me' I smile. I look a Bobby on her knee and she strokes his head.
"Goodnight" I state, she puts her bookmark into her book and looks up at me. "Goodnight" She picks up Bobby carefully and takes him to his bed. She kisses his head and walks with me. "I just need to send the blueprints tomorrow so we don't need to go in tomorrow" I say wrapping my arm around her shoulder. I pull her into my side and she chuckles. She goes into her room and I smile. I walk into my room and close the door. I put my back to the door and sigh deeply.

Izzy's POV:
I wake up in the middle of the night, I'm sweaty and panicked. I had a nightmare. I sit up and clutch my chest. Sweat drips from my brows, I quickly get up and into my bathroom. I rinse my face and look into the mirror.
I can't get back to sleep. I need to go to Tom. I slowly walk down the hallway to Tom's bedroom.
It's quiet in the house, it's quite calming. I knock on the door but I don't hear him. I slowly open the door and he's fast asleep.

I gently shake him away

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I gently shake him away. He wakes and looks at me. He sees me and smiles. "Are you okay what's going on?" He asks sitting up. I take a seat on his bed and look down. "He's still in your head isn't he" He asks. I just nod. He pulls me into a hug. "Stay here. I'll keep you safe. Yeah" he chuckles. I look at him and smile. I climb onto the other side. Tom lays back into the bed and looks at me. "Goodnight" I whisper.
Tom is so cute and sweet to Izzy.

Any suggestions: they will be considered.

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