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Toms POV:
We get back to the office and I see Izzy is slightly sad. She's confused. We get out of the car and Jackson pulls her into a hug.

I smile. He shakes my hand and takes a deep breath before heading inside. I follow behind with my partner, my girlfriend beside me. We still walk professionally but we stand close. Jackson walks slightly in front and is greeted by his best friend who is his office worker.

"See you later mate! Need to catch up with Iz! Yeah didn't know she worked here?! What she's the CEO as well? Wow Great work!" He has a conversation with his friend but me and Izzy are talking together. Izzy hears her name and shoots her head to Jack.
Jack smiles and walks out of the room following us. We walk up the stairs and down the hallway until we reach mine and Izzy's office. I open the door and let Izzy in, she walks past smiling and I walk in. Jackson follows but stops at the door. He gently touches Izzy's engraved name. He smiles. I feel the proud tension. He looks over at Izzy who is again working at her desk, unnoticed of the situation.

"She's always working" I state which makes Izzy's head snap up. "What?" She says looking between the two of us. "You! Always working." I chuckle.
She stands up and sighs. She brushes off her trousers and sits down on the sofa. Jack goes and sits next to her.

She suddenly breaks down

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She suddenly breaks down. She begins to cry and Jack looks at me. He pulls her into a tight hug. "Izzy? What's wrong?" Jackson strokes her hair. She lifts her head and faces him. "He told me you were dead..." She cries. Jackson's face drops. "Bastard...why on earth did you date him?" He asks. Izzy looks at me. "I'm not anymore, Tom helped me..." I smile slightly. Jack stands up and walks over to me. "Thank you. I recognised what was happening but I couldn't help. I couldn't help her..." I place my hand on his shoulder and shake my head. Izzy stands up. "Nobody could help me but if I broke up with him alone I'd be dead. I'd be dead if it wasn't for Tom. He saved me." Jackson smiles at me.

Izzy's POV:

Later I sit at my desk with my pen in my teeth. Jackson went back to his office and Tom went for a small meeting. I'm alone. I've gotten used to being alone in the office.
I feel drowsy...
I'm exhausted. I've been working all day. It's currently 6:47pm. My cheek rests on my hand, I slowly begin to drift off to sleep. I stop attempting to stay away and just allow myself to let my head rest against my desk.
I've been feeling extremely drowsy lately, but Tom, he makes me so happy...
Nobody has ever made me feel the way Tom has, I've only known him a few days but Tom, Tom is gentle, kind, loving.

I rest...

Toms POV:
I jog up the stairs of the hallway and I reach my office. I open the door in hopes to see my beautiful girlfriends happy smile, but no. I see her fast asleep. I smile.
I kneel down beside her and stroke her hair. I gently pick her up and place her on the sofa.

The sun begins to set and Izzy's phone begins to ring. Izzy's head lifts up and her tired eyes look at me. Her realisation that her phone is ringing. She shoots up and answers it. "Hey, Stace what's up?" She yawns. "Yep I'm just leaving. I'll walk down" She places down the phone and sighs. "You wanna walk me home?" She walks to me with a smirk, she places her hand on my chest. I lean down and give her a kiss. "Why yes darling." I state caressing her cheek.

We walk through the building and Isabelle quickly says goodbye to Jackson. "I'll come see how Stacie and Hannah are doing?" Jackson states. She smiles and walks out walking to me. We walk out of the building and through the car park.

As we walk through the dark streets she gently nudged me. "Should we tell him?" She whispers. "If you want to darling" I whisper back. "Later" she mouths. I chuckle. I see her shiver, without hesitation I remove my jacket and place it around her shoulders. She smiles. I see Jackson smile as well.
"How are the girls?" Jackson asks looking towards Izzy.

Izzy's POV:
I chuckle at Jacks question. "Stacie is a chef now and is still dating Alex. Hannah is a waitress who is working 15 hours today. She's now on break at the moment. She's dating Liam still. Liam, Alex and the girls are at the apartment at the moment. Liam is staying the night in await for Hannah to come home. Stacie and Alex are going on a date tonight and are leaving with Hannah. It's not far now. Just rou-...round..." I stumble on my last words as 4 fire engines quickly drive past. "What in the-" Jack confusingly whispers.

We all look up slightly and see smoke. Panic sets in and we quickly run around the corner.
My heart beats faster...

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