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Where am I?

"Mako?! Bolin?!"

Ugh, this is so frustrating! I was just with Mako and Bolin, and now I'm here in some big black void thing. I don't know, maybe it's just a dream? Maybe I'm hallucinating.

I turn around at the sudden chill that makes the hair on my arms stand up. I'm startled at the sight of four figures running towards me. I can't make out their faces, but there are definitely people there. Two males and the two females. One is super tall.

I don't know why, but the closer they get to me, the more I fear them. It's not the feeling I got around dark spirits, it's different. It not darkness, it's more so.. Chaos.

They're getting closer and closer.. They're coming.


"Ahhh!" I scream.

I look around, sweat building on my forehead. I'm no longer surrounded by darkness, and I'm no longer being chased by four strangers. I'm actually on the ground, laying next to a dumpster... a smelly dumpster. What the heck happened?

"Um, Kitty? Are you ok?" I look and spot Mako who is sitting next to a sleepy Bolin.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a nightmare," I answer.

"You've been having a lot of nightmares," he observes.

"Yeah, are you sure it's not your spirity powers trying to tell you something?" Bolin asks.

"No, it was just a dream. Swear."

I don't think this has anything to do with my spiritual connection or whatever. I don't even know those people. It was probably just a weird dream, they happen sometimes. My spiritual connection has always been more of a feeling, never anything visual. I don't know, this just seems different.

"I know you're new at this, but if you think your new abilities are trying to show you something, you need to tell us, ok?" Mako tells me.

"I will," I tell him genuinely. "I promise. So what happened? Last thing I remember is Kai getting away and trapping us on the train."

"We had to sleep here last night because Kai stole our money, and we weren't able to buy any tickets back to the upper ring," Mako explains.

Well, this sucks.

"I guess it's free to go to the lower ring but not free to go to the upper ring," I observe.

"Ohh man," Bolin groans. "Aww, I slipped a disc sleeping here. It's been awhile since we spent the night in a trash pile. It's about how I remembered."

"I bet everyone's freaking out that we've been gone all night," Mako says.

"Um, Mako, there's something on your head," I tell him, and gesture to the banana peel that sits perfectly upright on his head.

"I'm worried about Kai; he's just a little kid out there on his own. He's probably really scared," Bolin says sadly.

"Me, too," I agree. "I know what he did was wrong, and I'm still going to beat him up for stealing our money, but I'm still worried about him. Ba Sing Se is such a weird place, and I'm worried about what will happen to him if he's caught using his airbending to rob people."

The boys and I decide to walk along the street, not really sure what to do. Not only do we have to find Kai, but we're lost in the lower of ring of Ba Sing Se, and we have no way of getting back to Korra and the Earth Queen's palace. This stinks! ... No, I mean it really stinks here. All of the food carts that line the street are filled with either rotten food, or food that's about to be rotten.

My Sister's Keeper (An LOK story) (Editing Come my Soon!)Where stories live. Discover now