Chapter Four

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      Sam Lewis 💫

I tossed and turned severally on the bed, unable to get the comfy position. Ivy's crazy idea was still on my mind.

    It can't happen. How can I attend an all boys' school?
Who does that? This is real life, Ivy keeps thinking we're in some Hollywood movie or Wattpad story.

The way she proposed the idea yesternight like it was easy as cake is what baffles me. It's what makes a little part of me dream of trying it.

Oh, her craziness has not rubbed on me yet but you see, that's the only chance I can get to flee from this house. I told you I loved school.

Making a mental decision to check out the other details of the admission letter properly, I turned on my side with the intent of getting some sleep. By the time I finally did, it was 2AM.



I slowly opened my eyes and squinted lightly at the sun rays shooting through the blinds.

    "Sam get your ass down here!"

Then I remembered what shook me up in the first place. I stretched, walking lazily to the door.

My aunt stood at the center of the living room with a deadly look.

   "Are you deaf? How many times do I have to yell before you'd hear!"

   "Sorry,"I muttered.

"Sorry for yourself! Woah, you're now getting up from bed?"
Rubbing my face,"didn't get much sleep last night."

She looked me up and down in contempt. "Hmph! Go do your job and just so you know, I'm not giving you any food this morning. He who does not work must not eat!"

She stomped off to the kitchen.


By the time I was through with the chores, I felt lightheaded.
It was a minute past noon and the last time I ate was yester afternoon.
Currently, I was standing behind my room door, waiting for my aunt to vacate the kitchen so I could stuff some food into my system.
It was the seventieth time my stomach was growling this morning.  I counted cuz.
My head reeled from exhaustion. Immediately I heard some shuffling and the ignition of my aunt's car come to life, I scurried out of my hideout.

Things were starting to look hazy as I moved and I felt the telltale sign of what usually happened to me when I was starved.

I managed to grab my phone and tapped Ivy's ID but there was little time to wait till she answered. Black dots swarmed my vision and I stumbled forward, clutching the counter for support. Or so. I ended up clutching carbon dioxide and oxygen.


Someone was bathing my face with cold water.


Absurdly enough, I couldn't even see the person if I tried.


I tried raising my arm to block but I couldn't feel it at all. I was like stone.

   "Stop, she's awake."I heard a muffled voice say.

At least I can hear!

  "Sam can you hear me?"

I felt my brows squinch then slowly, the cloud of black faded away allowing me to make silhouettes of two bodies kneeling before me.

   "Sammy,"Ivy engulfed me, choking on a prospective sob.

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