Jeordie and Mr. Ways love for coffee

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Hey Jeordie this is Natalie

Heyyyyy girl do you wanna hang out like go to the best place to get coffee


No this place is WAY better lol

Ok yea sure you don't live far I'll just walk

No, I'll see if my mom will let me use her car cus mine broke down, do you not have a car?

Ok thanks and no I don't cus my mom. I'll tell you later

Ok well do you want me to come now

Umm leave in like 10 mins.

Ok see ya!

I stopped texting and looked down at Mr. Ways number.

Should I?

Instead of thinking to much I add it in my contacts and put on my green day shirt, keep the misfit pants, and leave.

As I was waiting for Jeordie I got a call from him.

"Heyyy where is your house at?"

"107 8th Street." I said with a blank expression.

"Ok I see you bye!"

I looked up and see a blue Honda Civic with jeordie and his stupid smile. I hop on the car and he turns up the radio.

"You ready to get so good ass coffee?!"

"We'll I love coffee so.. hell yeah!"


And with that we drove off.

I felt so happy with Jeordie, all of my other friends were assholes to me and my only good friend I had died in a car accident.

The car went off the interstate and they found her 6 days after the accident. It made me scared to drive or be in a car with anyone, I can't think about it around Twiggy, I would cry like a bitch.

I look out the window and see the stores and smaller houses.

"Ok when I say close your eyes close them."


It wasn't long till he told me to close them and I did so. I felt the car stop and his car door open and close, then my door and he helped me out.

"Ok open them."

All I seen was a white house in a nice looking neighborhood.

"A house?"

"It's not the house it's what's in the house, come on."

And with that he grabbed my hand a dragged my to the door, then he knocked with this weird excited smile on his face.

I hear footsteps come to the door, then it opens.

It was Mr. Way

"Hey Jeordie! And Natalie, come in."

Jeordie pulled me in then we sat down on the couch. I look around at how pretty this house was.

"Let me guess you came for coffee."


"And Natalie?"

I snap out of me zoning out.

"Sorry I wasn't listening."

"Well you better listen in my class haha but do you want some coffee?"

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