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(Gerard is now 13 and Mikey is 9)
Little Gee POV

I wake up and swing me feet across the bed. I rub my eyes and stretch. I look up and see dad.

"Hey dad."

"Hey sleepy head."

"Ugh.. I'm gonna go make me some breakfast, wanna come?"



I put a breakfast bowl in the microwave.

"So how's school?"


"Any girls."

He laughs.

"Yea but they're horrible, basically sluts."

"Yea that happens."

I hear the microwave go off, I pull out my food and begin to eat.

"Im sorry I've been gone for awhile I was just checking on everyone else."

"it's okay."

I gave him a hug.

I hear mom come downstairs and John comes after her.

"No John I'm done get out of my house!"

"You won't listen-!"


I see him slap her in the face.

"Get away from her you basterd!!"

I run to him and tackle him.

He pushed me off and drags me away by my hair.

"You emo Fagot."

I see dad charge after him and tackle John. John didn't know what the hell was going on.

Dad threw him out of the house then he helped me up.

I look behind dad to see mom on the floor, her face was pale like she seen a ghost, and she did see a ghost.. or was he still a ghost.


Natalie POV

I.. I'm dreaming, no.. I'm dead.. no.. I don't know.. but this is not.. this is not real..


He.. he was there.


I stood up and see little Gerard standing beside him.

Gerard walked up to me and put his hand on my face.

"I fucking missed you!"

I hugged him and cryed.

"I miss you too baby."

I heard him cry.


I look over to see little Gerard.


He smiled, I never seen him smile so big. He then hugged us making a group hug.

"Mom and Dad!"

He started to cry.

"Aww it's okay."


I heard mikey.

"Who is he."

"This is your dad."

He really wasn't but now.. he was.

Gerard leaned in my ear.

"You know his not Johns child, his mine, I made it that way."


"Sorry but you were not gonna have a child with him."

We laughed and Mikey came and hugged us.

I grabbed my phone and called everyone to come over, I didn't tell them about Gerard though.


There was a knocking at the door.

I hid Gerard up in my bedroom bathroom then went downstairs to answer the door.

Everyone walked in, I told them to sit on the couch.

"Okay well um.. this is about Gerard.. not little Gerard but Gerard.. um.. well.. just close your eyes."

Everyone did as told.

I got Gerard and let him stand at the bottom step.

"Um okay.. open."

They opened them and frank screamed like a girl with Reven.

"H - how what.. HOW DID.."

Mikey ran to him and hugged him tightly.

They both cried, everyone else did but Frank did something else.

"Hey Frankie-"

Frank cut him off with a kiss then he hugged him.

"Can we get the band together again."


We all sat around and done everything we could. I don't how this happened but it did.

Gerard's POV

I went to everyone I loved house then the place of the wreck. The pain and love was powerful. It brought me back.

I'm glad it did, and I say this now with a smile on my face, "cause the hardest part of this is leaving you."

HE'S BACK YAY!!! you guys were braking my heart so I hope this made your day better.
Hugs to every damn one of you! I want to like squeeze the crap out of you right now C:
Twiggs :) ahh

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