Son Mikey

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It was long ago that I just had my second child, Mikey. He was as adorable as little Gee.

Of course Gerard wasn't the dad, Bert wasn't ether, it was Johns.

Me and Bert spilt when he was on tour. He got drunk all the time and called me in the middle of the night to call me worthless. Mikey is 3 now and Gerard is 7. Mikey laughs at the fact that I named him Mikey, basically after him.

This turned into a weird thing I guess you could say. Ray named his boy Ray, Frank named his Frank which in his family wasn't weird cause his father named him after himself, and Mikeys wife couldn't have any, they adopted a girl like Jeordie and Reven. Her name is Macy.

There were to many kids running around by this time.

There was, Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Ella, Macy, Lindsey, Frank, Lily, and Cherry.

Frank had the most kids, like damn he just can't stop can he haha.

We got a dog, a big dog. Its a Great Pyrenees, we named her Lola. Lola is the sweetest thing ever, she's lazy and she let's the kids lay on her to watch TV, and she just lays around all day mostly.

Me and John have a good relationship but of course there's bumps in it, there always is in relationships.

I go and talk to Gerard at his grave on his birthday. Little Gee wants to go but he'll cry when he sees me cry. I don't want him hurt. He tells me everyday that he sees Gerard, he says that every night he tells me and him before we go to sleep,

"I don't want to go cause the hardest part of this is leaving you, so long and goodnight."

It makes me smile to see and hear that my son can connect to his dad like this, that or his imagination takes over but he says things and draws thing that actually happened that he has never heard about cause he wasn't even born yet.

I know Gerard is still around I feel it. Sometimes I walk downstairs in the night when John is at work on night shift to talk to him. I would hate to have to use Gerard as like a phone to talk to Gerard, so I never do. When I sit on the couch I always feel a hand on my shoulder or something like that.

I finally found my mother. She was doing so much better. I took the boys to go see her. I seen a smile on her face when she seen them, I haven't seen her smile in forever, I haven't seen her in forever.

Life.. has been on weird roller coaster for me, I don't know when in the hell it will settle down.

But hey, Gerard use to say all the time to me, give em hell kid.

Hey potatoes sorry I forgot to update yesterday, you guys already know where this is going to go so yea
Twiggs :)

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