Art Class

119 10 6

Gerards POV

After most of the day, it was time for me to find where the fuck the art room was. Me and Frank had the class together. I was hoping I could walk with him but I didn't find him.


I make it to the class room.. late. I sit near the back of the room. And not long after, my hot boyfriend comes in.

"Did you have trouble finding class Mr.-"
The teacher looked on the list and found the only persons name that wasn't here, frank fucking Iero.
"Iero.. well take a seat.. anywhere."
Frank nodded and sat next to me.

He whispered to me.
"Hey baby."
I whispered back.
He took my hand and rubbed the top of it with his thumb.

The door to the classroom opens and that Brendan dude walks in.
He looks at frank then back to one of his friends.
Why the hell did he look at frank?!

The teacher handed out some paper and he told us to draw whatever but it has to be something.


I couldn't think of anything to draw so I decided to finsh one of my drawings in my sketch book. I grab my bag off the floor and pull the book out of my bag. When I look back up I get a vision, of mom and dad... doing some shit.

The bell rings. Dad sighs and pulls mom off the table. She gets her shirt back on.

I feel like someone's shaking me but I can't seem to get out of this vision.

He kisses her on the head.
She walks to the door.
"See you in art."
He says then she walks out the door.

I zone back in to reality, from frank shaking me.
"Gee, Gerard come on, class is over."
"Oh uh sorry."
I put my stuff in my bag and pull one of the straps on my shoulder.


I'm finally home. Now I know why dad said "I hope you don't have art."

Frank didn't come home with me today. I'm guessing his parents needed him.

Me, mikey and Ray walk in the house. There was a note on the door.

Hey I need you guys to not mess up the house please, me and your Dad are over at an old friends house for dinner. We'll be back later tonight, there's some left overs in the fridge if you guys get hungry, and there's some money on the table incase you want to order pizza.

Love mom

I close the door and put the note on the table. I go up to my room and get out my sketchpad. I didn't feel like doing my homework right now, cause why the fuck would I want to.

Right in the middle of me drawing, I hear a loud thud from downstairs.

Just like anyone else would think, I thought someone was braking in.
I quietly walk down stairs and see Ray with a empty roll of toilet paper and Mikey hiding behind him.

I went to mom and dads room and I take the baseball bat out of dad's room. Mikey and Ray follow me.

We come back into the living room and stop.
I hear footsteps coming from my room.
We all head upstairs quitely.

I grabbed my door handle and counted to 3.
Then I brust open the door and we ran in.
Frank screamed to the top of his lungs and fell over, throwing stuff at us.
We started to scream.
Ray had he's eyes closed, screaming, and swinging the empty toilet paper roll.
We stopped screaming and swinging shit.

"What the hell Frank, a 'hello it's frank not someone braking into your  house' would help."
I said.

Ray and Mikey laughed and went downstairs.

"Im sorry."
Frank said shyly.
"It's okay.."
I sat nest to him on the floor and wrapped my arms around him.

We both cuddled up on the bed, we then fell asleep.

Hey guys I missed you, sorry I've had writers block and I've been busy with work and everything so yea here's a new chapter.

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