First day at Kindergarten

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Gerard was now 5 and it was his first day of school.

I woke up to my alarm going off. I slowly get up and head to Gerards room. I smile as I see him in a ball on his Batmanmobile bed.

"Sweetie.. sweetie time to get up."


His little vocie lightly came out.

I picked him up and carried him downstairs and layed him on the couch. Gerard slowly woke up but then fell back asleep. I finally woke him back up with the smell of pancakes and I get him dressed as he eats. I tell him to go brush his teeth. I walk to the bathroom and watch him brush his teeth then I hand him his book bag.

His book bag was heavier than I thought. Even though it was only filled with a pack of pencils, color pencils, markers, glue, stuff like that.

We hop in the car and head to school. On our way there we pass the high school, so many good memories there.

"Hey mommy."


"Can I get a new comic?"

Now for a 5 year old who could barely read, he had a lot of books and comics. I tought him how to read some but not a lot.

"What kind of comic?"

"The one uncle Mikey has."

"Oh, well I'll have to see what it's called then we'll see, okay."


Oh Love by Green Day came on the radio.

Gerard's eyes lit up, then he started to sing.
Oh Love
Oh Love
Won't you rain on me tonight

I started to laugh and sang with Him.

Pretty soon we were at school. I walk him to his kindergarten class. I knew this would be a bad situation about to happen.

We finally found his class and the teacher introduced herself and I did so too, I introduced Gerard too.

"Well Gerard I'm Mrs. Myers and you're other teacher is Mrs. Robertson, are you ready for school?"

"Can I read?"

"Read? Are you reading already?"


"Well that's great, do you wanna come in here and sit down."

"Bye bye mommy."

Gerard hugged me with his head down then I seen him whip a tear from his eye.

"Oh come here Gerard."

I whipped his tear and smiled at him.

"It's okay, I promise, mommy will be here to get you soon okay.. you be good for mommy, we'll go get ice cream if your good.. bye bye sweetie."

I kiss him on the head and he walks away with a smile.

Mrs. Myers looks up at with a smile.

"Did you teach him how to read?"

"His uncle Frank did a little bit not a lot though of course, he likes music so he might like to sing along to music if you play any."

I laugh and she laughs a little too.

"Well, we'll take good care of him bye Natalie."


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