High School

131 11 5

Gerards POV

So.. here we are.. High School. The place that everyone told us that it got worse. I walk in the school and see newer people and assholes from last year.
I look down at my schedule and try to find my classes, but of course I couldn't.
Pretty soon all of the people in the halls started to disappear. I walk faster, up and down stairs trying to find my room.
I look down at my schedule for a second. I bump into someone.
"S-sorry I was trying to find my class."
"Uh.. my names Gerard.. Gerard Way."
"Patrick.. Stump.. uh show me your schedule."
I handed it to him.
"Oh cool! We have class together. I guess we can look for them... together then."
"Uh sure."

We look around and finally find the first class, language Arts and Speach.

We walk in and everyone looks at us. My awkwardness doesn't help it ether, Patrick was in the same awkward stance, arms to the side and a slight smile then back to 'help me damn it!' Face.

"Hello gentleman, did you two have troubles finding the class?"

"Uh y-yes."

The man didn't even look up at us. He was still searching through papers that were all over his desk. He look and sound extremely familiar.
He finally found what looked like a clipboard and scanned his finger down the paper on it.

"Well you must be Patrick and... Gerard, that's funny I have a friend son who's name is Gerard but back to class."
He finally looked up and seen me.


It was Jeordie.

"Oh shit."
I mumble but smiled.
He then hugged me and everyone around the room was sooo fucking confussed.
"Hey go sit with Frank back there in the corner, you two will get along well."
He said to me personally instead of a loud vocie so the whole class could hear.
"Uh Jeordie."
I walked closer to his desk.
I waved my hand a little to single me trying to whisper to him.
"T-thats my boyfriend."
He just gave me a face like 'oh!'
"Congrats then now go sit so I can start class."

I went to the corner and sat next to Frank.

I've seen this corner before.... did dad show me this in my dreams when he wasn't alive? Maybe.

I look over at the brats and give them a disgusted look as one of them gave to me.
Patrick seen me and laughed a little.
Patrick sit across from me. He rips off a piece of paper, writes on it then slid it to me.

Yea I don't like people but I guess it's cool that I got to sit with you and not the brats over there -->

I've... I've seen this note before... this is creeping me out.

(if you forgot, it's the same thing that Bert gave to Natalie when he first came to that school and they sat in that corner.)

Is all I wrote back.

I looked over at Frank and he smiled.
The while rest of class we held hands.


After the bell rung we all found eachother in the hall.
Mikey and Ray were walking side by side to the group, I swear they would look cure together.
Me and frank walked over to the group.
Pete, Miles, Lily, Cherry, me, Frank, Lynz, Mikey, and Ray all were together, one big emo badass group.

"Hey Gerard!"
I turn to see Patrick.
Pete looked at Patrick like he had seen me naked.. cause I'm hot naked hahaha nah, he just looked like a fangirl would to my dad.

After our short talk we all went to our second period.


Lunch was pretty cool. Ella came to sit with us so did Patrick. Pete blushed as they both flirted with eachother. Frank layed his head on my shoulder.
Mikey and Ray were laughing about something, Ella and Miles were talking, Cherry was talking to Marzia.

We all just worked out.


After school I went home and frank came with me.
Mikey went to Rays house.

When I got home I went up to my room.

"Hey babe, I'm uh gonna go talk to dad for a moment."
"Okay gee bear."

I went to my dad's bedroom and and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

I open the door and see him drawing.

"Dad... I need to talk."

"About what?"

"When I was at school... I was in room 308... and we sat in this corner and I got this note from Patrick, my new friend, and It was the same I seen in my dream and I think you shown me when you were......"



"Probably so.. but don't stress okay.. just.. hope you don't have art.. by the way that room you were in was Frank's old class room."

"Okay.. thanks."

I walk out of his room and go up to mine.

Me and frank both cuddled up and watch movie the rest of the day.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating my phones messing up but yea. THEIR IN HIGH SCHOOL NOW WOH love u guys
Twiggy :)

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