What were you thinking?!

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What were you thinking?!

Gerards POV

I woke up cold and hungry. It was really bright, unlike my room. Wait, am I outside?! I got up fast, then I remembered last night. I look back at mom's and dad's graves.
"I love you.. so does Mikey."
I kissed the top of their grave stones and began my walk home. I decided to leave my bike cause I knew they would be looking for me so I want them to be confused. I put my hood up and took out my phone. I turned on my phone and went to Facebook. I scrolled through it until I seen a picture of me and it said 'Missing' with my name height and age.
I look at the time, 10:08.
Well might as well get some coffee.
I pull out the money that's been in my pocket from the night that we found out about mom and dad. It was only a dollar and a couple cent but I guess I could get so McDonald's coffee.

I head to the 'fast' food restaurant that was down the road. Walking by uncle Frank's house. I put my head down lower so he can't tell it was me. I still made little glances at him. He look at me like I was suspicious, which I was. I seen him pick up his phone and call someone. Soon my phone started to ring.
Shit! Stop Frank! I need to make it home.
He soon just hung up and I keep on walking.

Soon I made it to McDonald's, I walked in and got my ice coffee.
Should I go to uncle Frank's or Berts. I think I'll go home.
I start my walk. Damn this to much walking. Walking by Rays and Frank's house, seeing Frank's parents on he's porch. Ugh these people. I just wanna get some space. I finally see my house.. or my old house now. So many memories. God I love this place. I look over and see the cops.
I run to the back of the house.
Maybe I should go to uncle Frank's it's just down the road.


Knock knock....
I hear footsteps coming to the door.
Then I see Jamia.
"Hello- .. Gerard?!"
She opens the screen door and hugs me.
"Everyone's been worried about you."
"I know I just want some space from everything."
"Yea.. here come in."

I walk into the house. Uncle frank sees me and hugs me tight.
"I knew that was you on the side of the road walking by."
"Please don't call Bert or the police... I want to stay here for just a little."
"Thanks fine with me."
Frank said.
"So where's Lily cherry and Miles?"
"Oh... do you mind if I borrow the phone?"
"No go ahead."
Knowing that it's lunch at school, I call frank.
"Hey its gee."
"Gerard! Where the hell are you?!"
"Shhh don't tell anyone u got a call from me ok... I just want some space from a day."
"Ok baby.. just tell me what happen."
"I wanted to see mom and dad.. so I went to go see them..."
"Im the night?"
"What were you thinking?! You could've got hurt!"
"Im know I know.. but I needed them."
"It's ok baby... hey I gotta go.. I love you."
"Love you too."
He hung up.
I sighed.. I need a nap.
"Hey Jamia."
"Do you mode if I take a nap on the couch."
"No go ahead sweetie."
"Thank you."
I lay down and I was suprised to go to sleep so fast.

Mr. WayМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя