I Love Your Kisses

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Frank's POV

Gerard shuts the door and looks at me like 'god people'. But then runs to me and picks me up and spins around. He put me down and his face was brighter. I giggled and ran to closet and shit the door. I climb up to the top shelf and hid under old blanks that were up there.
"Come in the closet gee."
He opened the door and walked in. I reached down and closed the door by grabbing the rack he had on the door that held all of his ties and belts and what not.
"Frankie come on where are you."
I giggled and tried to climb down but failed. I ended up sliding down the wall and landing on my butt, but it was kinda quite. I hugged onto Gerard and he opened the door. The light rushed in and it kind of hurt my eyes.
I ran to the bed and pulled the blanket over my head and giggled.
"Frank I thought you were tired."
I just giggled again.
He climb on top of me and grabbed the blanket where my face was with one hand and gently pulled it down a little bit showing my eyes, I pulled down with him. He pulled it down more so he could see my face.
"Frank.. can I kiss you?"
I didn't even answer I just grabbed his face ad kissed him.
"Anytime you want too."
He giggled and kissed me again.


It was dark now and Gerard was asleep next to me. Gerard had to take some meds that he takes at night that make him really tired. I had his lap on and I was reading my new Stephen King Pet Sematary book.
Gerard moved to face my side and slowly woke up. He looked up at me as I looked down at him.
"You.. are fucking sexy.."
He said.
"Haha what."
"Like I just want to take you and kiss you ruff and I want to make you moan."
"Hahaha Gerard your meds make you crazy."
He climbed on top of me and we both sat up and looked at eachother.
"Maybe.. maybe not."
He started to mess with the collar on my shirt. Gerard was really making me excited.. and it would be weird when he felt it.
He kissed me then my neck. Now he has really made me happy.
"Do you feel the same Frankie?"
"Yes god fucking yes I do."
He kissed me and ruff.
"I love you kisses."
Gee said.
I couldn't help say those words cause all I want to do and gets this fucking boner out of the way and a smile in my face if you know what I mean. Not like fucking but.. a little bit like it.
Of course we didn't do any of that cause Gerard had to go piss.

My eyes shot open. Wait.. what the fuck?! It was a dream. Ugh... I need a life. I roll over and see Gerard who was asleep just like in my dream. But he never rolled over, woke up, and said those things that turned me on, then left me here to go take a piss. He just layed barely snoring.

Hey guys um yea sorry Peyton if you ever make it this far.
Love you guys
Hugs cause I REALLY need them cause MR. STIDHAM LEFT TODAY AND HIS NEVER COMING BACK AND UGHHH ... I cried... I got hugs and cried.. so long and goodnight my gay bestfriend. .

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