That's Not a Bad Idea

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Big Gerards POV

Me, the guys, and Berts band make it back to our tour bus. Fans were screaming behind us. When we got in Ray went to his bunk, frank did as well. Me and Bert sat on the couch. Quinn and Jeph went to the mini fridge to find some cold pizza. Bob and mikey soon made it on the bus and went to go lay down in their bunks.

Bert turns on the TV.
"Aye Quinn, throw me a beer."
Quinn throws a beer and Bert almost didn't catch it.
"Want one?"
"Hell yea."
I didn't like beer much but these past couple weeks I have been drinking more. I think it's cause we really don't have much to do, but do shows and talk. Bert tells Quinn to throw another beer and Quinn does as told. Bert catches it perfectly this time.
I crack it open and take a drink. The liquid hits my tongue and my brain burst into joy. God these things are good.
Me and Bert begin to watch whatever we could find on the TV. My phone starts to vibrate and I take it out of my pocket. Some one was calling me. I read the screen, Lil Gee. I click the answer button and hold the phone to my ear.
"Hey Dad! I have to tell you what happened today!"
"Okay.. go on."
He told me all about school and this plan they did called, I'm Not Okay I Promise. He told me about the tape recorder and the fights in the halls and everything. I have to say, that's sounds pretty damn cool but yet he's going to get in so much trouble in school.
"That's sounds awesome but Gerard... don't do stuff like that.. you'll get in trouble okay?"
He sounded pretty down in the dumps. So I tried to cheer him up.
"But that was pretty damn awesome! Hahaha I wish I could've seen it."
He laughed a little.
"Hey Dad um.. there's something else I have to tell you."
"You know that Frank kid I was talking about."
"Yea the one you had a crush on."
Bert looked over to me..interested in what we were saying.
"Well um.."
I could hear the smile in his vocie like he was blushing.
"He liked me too... and now we're together."
"That's great. I happy you two are."
"T-.. thanks dad... well.. I'm going to go to bed.. goodnight hope your show was awesome.. love you."
"Goodnight love you too.. tell your brother I love him too."
He hung up and I put the phone down on the arm of the couch.
Bert starting laughing a little.
"That was entertaining like.. can I hang around him more."
He laughed some more.
Me and Bert soon got drunk to where we could barely get up without laughing or rolling off the couch. Okay maybe nit that much but two notchs down. (Aye 3 doors down.. sorry haha)
I started to think about what Gerard told me about school.
If I wasn't there to see it.. maybe I could make it. Maybe I could make it something that could help me see it! It'll be a music video. I got up and went to the guys. My drunkness didn't seem to effect myself now.
I told them about gerards day and they laughed, but in a good way they laughed. Then I told them about the plan and they agreed. Mikey suggested it to me like an commercial for movie. We agreed on that. Frank said in the morning we would call our manger and gets this shit started.

Hey guys. I'm not okay is in full force! Black parade will be here but it's kinda far away from here. And big gee is back but not for long though.
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Love you guys
Twiggs :)

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