Just Us

170 14 2

Cherry POV

Me, Lily, and Lynz all sat at the small booth next to the wall at Starbucks. We waited for the guys but they never came. They probably just went on to school and we walked all the way over here for nothing. Wait.. weren't we supposed to do that I'm not okay thing?
I don't know but right now all I could care about was Pete and coffee. Pete Wentz was my hight and he recently dyed his hair black. It use to be blonde or pink on top. He was really cute. I took a sip of my coffee and seen pete sit down with his coffee. He sat next to me and he smiled. Lynz and Lily keep on talking about something that didn't seem important. Pete took a piece of paper out of his jacket pocket and started to write something. He slid the note to me and I picked it up.
Do u want to leave and go walk around?
I nodded and we stood up.
"Where are you going?"
Lily asked
"Me and Pete were going to go walk around since you two are busy.. and boring."
Pete laughed and I smiled at his laugh.
"Okay whatever just make sure no one we know sees you."
"Like this place is any better to hide I mean uncle Gee could walk in any moment."
And that's when I thought I was magical cause there he was.. uncle Gee. We opened the door to Starbucks and went to the counter. He told them what he wanted and we didn't do anything but stand kind of scared. He tapped a beat on the counter as he waited for his coffee. He started to look around until he seen us. He grabbed his coffee and walked to us.
"What are you guys doingggg your dad is going to kill you."
"We just needed sometime outside of school."
"Ah.. okay.. well let's go to the house so you won't be here. and why did you come here! This is are horrible place to hide from me or your parents."
"I know right."
I said and we hoped in the car. Uncle Gee called Aunt Natalie and told her everything.


When we made it to the house we all flopped on the couch. Uncle Gee started to walk into the kitchen but then RAN back to us and basically ran into the couch when he sat down.
"What does Gerard do in school?"
He looked and sounded like a little kid.
"Be awkward."
Lily said.
"Ah.. what about him and his little crush frank."
"I ship it."
I whispered so quietly that it was more of mouthed the words.
"I don't know I just know they like eachother.. but don't know about it."
Lynz answered.
"Hey babe."
We heard Aunt Natty ( I got tired of saying my name over and over) yell from the upstairs room.
"I'll be right back."
He ran upstairs and it was just us. It was just the whole day and I liked that but I wish it was all of us. Miles, Ray, Mikey, Gerard, Frank, Lily, Lynz, me, and Pete. It would be hella crazy but hella fun.

Uncle Gee soon came back and he could see we were tired.
"if you guys are tired you can sleep on the couch but I suggest you sleep in Mikey or Gerards room."
Me and Pete went to Gerards room and Lily and lynz went to Mikeys.
I layed on his bed and Pete shut the door.
"Ugh I'm tired."
He said as he layed next to me.
I pull the blanket on me and closed my eyes. I felt weird trying to sleep at this time in the morning.. I guess cause its something you just don't do and your not use to it. It's kinda felt like a I'm sick and I get to sleep in kind of nap feeling.
Pete wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek.
"Im sorry.. was I.. to fast."
"Do you like me.. like Lily told me you did?"
I will kill her. Okay more like slap her a couple of times.
"Y... yea.. I do."
"I do too."
I smiled and he hugged me.
"Would.. you like to go out with me?.."
"Of course."
He kissed my cheek and I think we both feel asleep with smiles on our face.


I woke up to talking in the room.
"Ugh I'm so tired."
And at that time I felt someone's body land on me and Pete.
"What the fuck?!"
Pete shoots up and I see Frank and Gerard with confusion all over their faces.
"What are you doing in my room?"
"Umm your d-"
I was interrupted by a scream from Mikey downstairs. Before Gerard could open the door, Mikey was already busting in.
"What.. are they doing here?!"
"I don't know."
"Let me finsh gezz... thank you.. your dad found us at Starbucks so he brought us back here and he told us we could sleep if we wanted."
"Well get out please."
Pete got up and I got up. We rubbed our eyes and sretch now that we finally got the chance to.
Me, pete, Lily and lynz all ran home before our parents flipped out. And the whole time I was thinking....me and Pete fucking wentz are together.

Heyyy there's gonna be a frerard next chapter
Love you guys
Twiggs :)

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