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Bert was taking me out tonight to go see a movie. Gerard was staying the night at Reven and Jeordies house so we could go.

I walk out of the bathroom and walk downstairs, Bert stands up from the couch.

"Beautiful, as usual."

"Oh shut up let's go."


We were almost at the movies. Kryptonite by 3 doors down was playing on the radio.

I love this song!

Bert stop at a red light, we look over at each other and place a little kis on each other's lips.

"I love you baby girl."

"Love you too babe."

We finally pulled into the parking lot.

Bert got out and opened the door for me and I got out. We got our tickets and out food and drinks and went to the movie.

we found some seats in the top row.

I felt Berts hand slip into mine, our fingers intertwin together.

Half way threw the movie Bert puts our holding hands in his lap.

I tickle him on his side.

He giggles a little bit.

"Stop it baby."

I kiss him on the cheek then his earlobe.


He moans out lightly, we were the only people I'm the movie theater besides the five people at the bottom of the theater.


After the movie we went straight home. We weren't tried at all.

Bert slams opens the front door and he picks me up.

My legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck.

He shuts the door with his foot while we were still kissing.

He turns around and he falls on the couch on his back still holding onto me.

I get up and sit on his hips.

I take off my shirt and he does the same. I shrugle to get my pants off but Bert helped.

After we had all of our close off Bert picked me up and layed my down on my back.

(You can go on from here hehe)


Me and Bert were now upstairs in the bed, still naked and cuddling.

"I fucking love you, your so god damn beautiful and oh my god you're hot."

"Hahaha I love you too."

Hey guys this is REALLY short but yea I just wanted something to say THANK YOU ALL! THIS STORY HAS OVER 2K READS AND I JUST WANT TO FUCKING HUG YOU ALL!
Twiggs :)

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