First month with little Gerard

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Me and Gerard finally got to come home. When Bert opened the front door it felt to quiet, then that's when everyone jumped out but instead of scream surprise they just said it incase Gerard was asleep, plus I don't like surprises.

I laughed and we walked in the house. Bert carried Gerard in a little car seat carry thing. Bert shut the door and we all sat down, but Frank, Mikey, Bob, and Ray.

They grabbed presents and presents.

When they were finally done I just looked at them with a smile.

"This is like.. a baby shower since we didn't have one planned."

Bert whispered to me as he put Gerard down while he was still in the car seat thing next to him.

They sat down and I picked up a present.

"That one is from me and jeordie."

Reven said as she kinda leaned over to me.

I rip off the wrapping paper and see a thing of diapers.

I laugh and thank and hug them.

I pick.. well more like drag a huge box to me.

I rip the paper and see a crib.

"That's from me and Frank."

I look up to Jamia and hug her and thank them.

I was done with all of the gifts but one, I pick it up and rip it open.

It was a dark blue small box, i open the box and find a diamond heart shaped necklace with a little feather coming out of the bottom of the heart.

"I love you baby."

I look over at Bert shocked.

I hug him and kiss him.

"I love you too.. thank you."

I finally let go and look down at Gerard. I undo his buckle and pick him up and hold him in my arms.

"Hey Nat?"

Jeordie said with a smiled that I knew he was thinking about something stupid but brilliant to him.


"Maybe we should turn on some Blink 182 and see what he does."

He gets up and goes to the CDs.

"Oh god." I whisper "I bet he won't do much."

I say as I look down at him looking around the room and making little groans and moans.

I look up to see Twiggy looking at me like 'really', he then presses play on the radio still looking at me.

I feel Reven scoot down to me and look at little Gerard. Soon after everyone scooted down leaving Twiggy like 'the fuck, let me sit'.

Reven holds her finger out to his hand and he grasped on to it.

She looked so happy, I knew what Jeordie was getting a talk about with Reven.

I kissed Gerard on the head and everyone basically made a circle around me, which ment pushing the coffee table, shifting the carpet, and surrounding me and Gee.

Everyone held him and frank was being stupid and saying.

"Spiders are bad.. bad bad bad, spiders can hurt you, so kill them with anything you can find.. I bet your mom wouldn't mind if you used her as a weapon against a spider."

I laughed like a smart ass at him.

- 1 Month

Jeordie and Reven got married. Their wedding was beautiful, Reven was beautiful and jeordie.. well he didn't look like Jeordie.

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