Bert Mccracken

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Hey sorry about the crazy mess up in the middle of the story.
It's fixed now cx

When I walked in the school jeordie seen me and hugged me.

"Hey you ok?"


"He told me what happened... are you ok?"

"Uh.. yea."

I hugged him back

"Hey let's go to Mr. Iero's room, he always let's me go up there."

He pulled me up the stairs and to Mr. Iero's room.

Mr. Iero looked up at us with confusion but then the 'Hm ok' face. Gerard was beside him drinking coffee, and he was kinda of sitting in a chair like Light from Death Note. Jeordie pulled two chairs up to Mr.  Iero's desk and he made me sit.

"You guys want coffee?" Mr. Iero broke the silence.

"Im good Frankie."


"Oh no I had quite the wakening-"

Gerard makes a sound like he was shocked as he was trying to drink his coffee.

I look over to Gerard as he looks at me like 'don't'.

"Um.. I already had some this morning."

"Ok, you can call me Frank by the way... just not in class."

As frank starts messing with the coffee maker on his desk I look confussed.

"Wait.. you ask if we wanted coffee?"


"You have a ... coffee maker in your room."

"Haha yea."

"Wow.. someone's got life worked out hahaha."

Everyone laughed

Gerard made the funny smart ass comment,

"Since when did Frank Anthony Iero.. have his life straight."

He said in his cup stopping him from drinking until he was done talking.

"Hey... you're just mad cause this is a nice coffee maker and I make nice coffee."

Frank said with confidence.

That sent jeordie laughing his ass off.

"ahhh sorry Frank I just ... ahhh."

"Yea yea whatever.. don't talk about it."

Frank laughed out

Of cours I had to be nosey.

"Don't. .. talk about what."


Frank started but interrupted by jeordie.

"Frank was seeing this...chick and he almost killed her with his coffee."

"Wowwww smooth Frank."

Jeordie started to laugh.

"She was stupid." Jeordie said like a drunk trying not to laugh his ass off. Gerard elbowed him as he was drinking his coffee.

"Well... she was a 'great' fucker, I loved to bang her all day."

Frank nodded his head about his comment.


Gerard yelled shocked.

"What? It's ture.... gezz."

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