darkest mind but brightest heart

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Darkest Mind but Brightest Heart- song by Twiggs (me)

I look around at the dark clothed people standing around. The deep holes on the ground. The two beautiful body's laying in the coffins. The urge to not run to them and yell for them to wake up.
My mind was so blank from this that I could hear the tears hit the blades of grass.
I watched as they were slowly put down in the holes.


3 weeks later

Me and Mikey walked into Uncle Berts house.

"Mikey your room is next to Marizas room."

Mikey walked to his new room.

"Gerard follow me."
I followed him up the stairs.
He opened the white door that led to my new empty room.

"Here's your room buddy."
He tapped my back.
I could see the sadness in his eyes.

I walked in with one of my boxes of stuff. I set in on the floor and go out to the moving truck to get more boxes.

I open the front door and see Mikey searching for his boxes. I hear him sniffle.

"Hey Mikes.. you ok?"
I walk in the truck and hug him tight.

"It's ok." (I won't make it as sad as I did before)

"Come on I'll help you."

I helped him grab some boxes and we walked back in.

I walked up to my room and put the rest of boxes in my floor, and sit on one of them.

I herd a knock on the door.
"Come in."
I said as I rubbed my face from my forehead to my chin.

"Hey Gerard.."
Mariza said.
"Lynz is here to say hi."
"Can you tell her to come up here?"
She closed the door
Hey lynz, you can come up here.

The door soon opened, I stood up.
She ran to me and hugged me tightly. I was a little shocked but slowly hugged back.
"Im so sorry."
"I-its ok."
"I just wanted to check on you and Mikey.. I live right down the road if you need me okay?"
"I have to go now.. bye Gerard."
"Bye lynz."


5 days later

Fuck getting out of my room. I like it dark. No light, no sounds, it's comfortable.

I haven't heard dad's vocie... maybe he's now at peace... but he was there for me as a child... he told me he would be back..

The thought that I couldn't talk to them killed me, it was eating me way, my mind was growing darker, but the crack in my heart aloud the light inside to shine bright.

I look at the time on my phone, 1:24 am.
I couldn't take it, I have to see them.
I grabbed the flashlight off of the table beside my bed. I put on my hoodie, converse shoes. I opened my door. I could see the TV light shinning and flicking. I took my shoes off and walked down the stairs. I looked around the corner to see Bert asleep on the couch. I quitely walked out the front door. I put my shoes on and stood up.

The light wind that hit my face felt good. It felt freeing. I ran down the road to uncle rays house. Passing the street lights, no cars, nobody, just me and the wind.
I smiled at how calm it was with no human around.

When I finally made it to Rays place I took Lynzs bike and road back down the road to the cemetery.

When I hit the main road there was no cars. I peddled and peddled down the road, I looked around at how dark it was. I turned the corner and seen the gate to the lock cemetery.
I climbed across the very short rock guard wall. I walked across the graveyard. 'The dead are better than the living'.(- twiggs) When I finally found mom's and dad's Graves right beside each other's..
I layed between them.
"Dad.. mom.. I love you.. I can't hear you anymore Dad.. you said you would talk to me.. like you did when I was a child.. I love you.. so much"

I curled up in a ball in my jacket and closed my eyes.

".. goodnight mom, and dad.."

I soon feel asleep.. the most peaceful sleep I have ever had.

Hey guys I'm sorry if it's sad I'm trying to make it not as sad as I did before. I love you guys
Twiggs :)

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