Black Parade

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Big Gee POV

I woke up on a cold ground. I look around and see black and ash. Well I'm back home.


I called out and waited for a response.


I heard far ahead.

"Im coming stay there."

I got up and look around more. It looked like I was all alone this time. No people to welcome me here. I miss all my old friends from here.

"Natalie. Where are you?"

"Over here."

I heard her vocie. I followed it a burned down building that was close to me.


I seen her and helped her up.

"Where are we?"
She asked.

"We're home." I told her as I hugged her.

She seemed like she was about to cry.

"I was here before." I told her.
Then I realized, I was here before. I know where to find my friends. Where to find the parade.

We walk through the ashy air.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see baby."

When we made it to where I met my friends before, I seen someone. I walked up to them.


"Oh Gerard you have come back to us."

Thy hugged me.

"This must be Natalie," they bowed to her, "She more beautiful than you told us."

"Thank you." Natalie said back.

"Well I'm Lola."

"Hi Lola it's nice to meet you."

Lola wasn't the pink Lola, they looked like a dirty toy that's been rolled in ash.

"Gerard, you must be looking for everyone else, follow me."

There was a old time car that Lola hopped into.

"Well come on you two."

I let Natalie in first than me.

We road down streets and streets, pasted buildings and buildings until we finally started to see people.

Lola stopped the car. Everyone was joyed to see me. I don't know why someone would though.

Me and Natalie walked around and saud hello to everyone. Then I seen the parade stand. With just a mic on it. I miss the guys. I sat on it, and Natalie soon came along.

I felt tears on my body, like someone was crying over me.
I jumped off the stand and ran to Lola. Natalie ran after me, yelling for me.

"Lola! Let me see my grave."

"As you wish."

With just the wave of her hand the ground moved like clouds. I seen Gerard laying on our graves. My poor son. Natalie cought up with me. She looked through and see Gerard.

"I want him to see me."
She begged.

"Im afraid I can't do that, it's just hard to do."
Lola responded. They know very well that it was almost impossible for them to let Gerard see them. I was lucky enough for them to let me be with him while he was a child.

"Oh... ok."
She sighed out.

"Would you like me to show you where you will live for now on."

"Yes please."
Natalie answered.

Lola tool us to the house I stayed at.

"Here you are, and remember in this world, anything with your imagination can come true in this house."
They laughed a little then wished us a goodnight.

"I kinda like this place."

"I know... I lived here for years."

We layed down on the bed. And through the night I told her about everything that I did here.

Hey guys I missed you!! Sorry I've been lazy and stressed a little. You guys can call me phoenix now I'm a.. boy now so.. it would be nice if would call me by that thanks.
Love u guys
Twiggy :)

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